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Draft: [DESIGN] Use dataclasses

Romain Girard requested to merge RomainGirard/leaspy:design-use_dataclasses into dev

What does the code in the MR do ?

This MR is currently nothing more than a preview of the changes induced by the use of dataclasses for the design of IndividualData. The opportunity of using such a design shall be discussed in a separate issue, based on this proposal. If deemed useful, this change might be extended to Data and IndividualParameters in future work.

Note that, at this step, this code is not supposed to be clean, only to give a preview (e.g. tests are not implemented, doc isn't updated)

Where should the reviewer start ?

To do

How can the code be tested ?

Tests supporting the proposed design haven't been implemented yet, and existing tests are expected to fail - to do

When is the MR due for? (review deadline)

To do

What issues are linked to the MR ?


Edited by Romain Girard

Merge request reports