Labels can be applied to issues, merge requests, and epics. Group labels are available for any project within the group.
Labels 2,878
CEO Interest When you close out an issue with this label please also Slack it to #ceo
Issues related to converting primary keys to BigInt in the CI database
Issues related to GitLab CI build artifacts:
Data Partitioning effort in support of implementing the CI/CD Time Decay blueprint -
Issues related to the using CI with specific other platforms (for example, Docker, Java, or Mobile)
Issues related to Persistence (workspaces, caching). Does not include artifacts, which is its own label
Relates to functionality surrounding pre-defined and user-defined variables available in the Build environment.
Issues and merge requests related to the core of GitLab CI/CD platform - pipeline configuration, pipeline creation, pipeline processing, pipeline statues, artifacts.
Used by the UX CI/CD Team to track process and activities (DRI: Product Design Manager)
Vulnerabilities in CISA's KEV catalog:
Priority Score based on Customer Issues Prioritization Framework (; From highest to lowest priority: CISP::1, CISP::2, CISP::3, CISP::4. These priorities represent separate buckets for features and bugs. And these are again separated by group. Currently, this label is only applied to ~type::bug and ~"group:source code"
Priority Score based on Customer Issues Prioritization Framework (; From highest to lowest priority: CISP::1, CISP::2, CISP::3, CISP::4. These priorities represent separate buckets for features and bugs. And these are again separated by group. Currently, this label is only applied to ~type::bug and ~"group:source code"