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Closed Source Code Group: Prioritization & Planning
  • Source Code Group: Prioritization & Planning

  • Closed Epic created by Sean Carroll

    Planning issues

    This Epic contains the Planning Issues for groupsource code

    14.0 , 14.1 , 14.2 , 14.3 , 14.4 , 14.5 , 14.6 , 14.7 , 14.8 , 14.9 , 14.10 , 15.0 , 15.1 , 15.2 , 15.3 , 15.4 , 15.5 , 15.6 , 15.7

    Source Code Planning 15.7 (create-stage#13078 - closed)

    How do we prioritize & How do we plan a milestone

    How do we prioritize

    :movie_camera: Video intro to the proposed process :clapper:

    • We use this epic description to prioritize
    • Our goal is to have a prioritized backlog that carries us for three milestones
    • Higher priorities are higher in its list
    • For each entry we add enough information so that one can easily assess priority by simple comparison with another entry
      • in some cases the labels and the title are enough
      • effort is very helpful when it comes to planning and we add that right after the issue as plain number
    • We can use the mouse to move things up an down the list
      • Note for features (which are typically epics) this is not that easy as they often consist of multiple issues so it makes sense to group them.
      • However, the group can be split up into multiple sections using "... continued ..." to allow for incremental and parallel delivery of different epics.
    • We prioritize typefeature separate from typebug and typemaintenance
    • We aim for a mix of these two: TBD
    • We distinguish two types of bugs that we address in a balanced fashion:
    • We want to honor our GitLab value Collaboration and therefore will help other teams as best as we can by prioritizing what they need from us.
    • We can mark individual entries with a tentative milestone. As long as they are not marked as Deliverable, they are not planned and their timeline is more likely to change than it is after they have been labeled Deliverable. The Deliverable label can only be set as part of the planning (see next section).

    How do we plan a milestone (practicalities)

    When it is time to plan a milestone

    • We check which isses are likely going to slip and mark them with a :red_circle:
    • We uncheck all the checkboxes. Their pupose is to facilitate the short period of planning and are only used by the PM and the EM. Beyond that they have no meaning.
    • Then going from highest priority down we add as many issues to the milestone as the capacity permits by checking the boxes.
    • When we are happy with the plan,
      • we open each issue that was chosen and add the Deliverable and set the milestone
      • likewise we update this list here by setting the Deliverable and the milestone, this way we are prepared for the next months planning session
      • The PM creates a planning issue based on the planning outcome that serves mainly for telling the story what we are planning to work on

    Features typefeature

    Faster syntax highlighting using Highlight.js

    (only remaining work is listed)

    MVP: view source code rules organized by branches

    MVP: view and edit source code rules organized by branches (fka "Source Code Rules MVP")

    Git SSH ... continued ...

    Specific Customers at risk

    Supporting cross-company goal

    Highly demanded features

    UX improvements

    Bigger efforts


    Bugs typebug

    Maintenance typemaintenance

    15 of 113 checklist items completed · Edited by Anastasia McDonald

    Linked items 0

  • Link items together to show that they're related or that one is blocking others.


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