View a list of roles (default and custom)
View a list of roles (default and custom)
Release notes
Problem to solve
Customers don't have the ability to centrally view which roles are assigned to users. This causes friction to help organizations achieve Principle of Least Privilege, for example, to see how many Owners are assigned across the multiple groups and projects in an organization.
Questions asked:
- How many Owners and Maintainers are assigned in my GitLab environment?
- How many Guest are assigned? Important as these may be contractors or external users that need to be removed.
An admin or owner can view a list of roles, both default and custom. The user can quickly assess how many users are assigned a role such as Owners, Guests, or Custom roles. The list exists that includes custom roles. The list will now include default roles and assigned user count.
Default roles: Minimal access, Guest, Reporter, Developer, Maintainer, Owner
Custom roles: Exists today, dynamic.
Member count:
- Role: Count how many users have been directly assigned this role[X] on a group or project
- X: Minimal Access, Guest, Reporter, Developer, Maintainer, Owner
- Custom Role: Count how many users have been directly assigned this role[X] on a group or project.
- This exists today.
Intended users
- Group owners and administrators
Original Design Issue: [Design] View role and their assigned users (gitlab#455078 - closed)
Figma file: Role overview
Ultimate customer
- Show closed items