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Closed Remote Development • Workspaces GA
  • Remote Development • Workspaces GA

  • Remote Development • Workspaces GA

    Closed Epic created by Eric Schurter


    Provide the basic end-to-end workflow where we can create a workspace from a devfile that's stored in a repository.

    Generally Available features means that they passed the Production Readiness Review for


    • Self-managed customers hosting workspaces on their own clusters
    • customers hosting workspaces on their own clusters (i.e. running agentk on their infrastructure)
    • Internal GitLab users on for whom we will host a cluster/s


    • Enable support for private repositories.
    • Implement robust error handling mechanisms to enable debugging customer-facing issues from workspaces.
    • Resolve technical debt accumulated during the beta phase.
    • Address any significant security issues identified during the beta phase.
    • Improve and update documentation for clarity and completeness.


    In order to use this feature, I must:

    • Be on a Premium or Ultimate plan
    • Have successfully configured the GitLab Agent for Kubernetes on my cloud service

    Improvements over the Experimental phase

    • The kas service on SaaS should have been load-tested to see how the endpoints will handle this at scale.
    • A user should be able to connect to a workspace via SSH to edit using a local IDE
    • A user should be able to create a workspace for a private repository
    • A user should not need to manually add a PAT or SSH key in order to push code changes from a workspace to a private repository
    • Workspaces should have a configurable timeout to avoid large bills for longrunning workspaces

    Scope not included in GA

    1. There will not be an option to create a workspace on GitLab-hosted infrastructure. This will require a separate cloud to host the kubernetes cluster
    2. Workspaces will have a hard timeout (configured when creating the workspace) but will not have an idle timeout or any automatic suspension capabilities.
    3. Support for alternate editors like JetBrains or JupyterLab
    4. Sending CI variables to a workspace
    5. Exposing new ports from a running workspace
    Edited by Eric Schurter

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