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Labels can be applied to issues, merge requests, and epics. Group labels are available for any project within the group.


  • Approval needed
    fedora / Fedora Docs
    This is a major change and it needs an approval from someone else than the assignee! Feel free to take over the approval so that the assignee can merge after that!
  • Good first issue
    fedora / Fedora Docs
    You want to contribute to Fedora Docs? This is your opportunity! Feel free to comment in one of these issues that you want to take over! This is a good way to get in touch with Fedora Docs and the team, and to find out if you want to become yourself a member!
  • In progress
    fedora / Fedora Docs
    Someone has been assigned to this issue and it is in progress!
  • Internal task
    fedora / Fedora Docs
    This is an internal task of Fedora Docs: every task that is not a change/fix/update of a Docs page! E.g., preparing a meeting or evaluating a survey.
  • Major change
    fedora / Fedora Docs
    This is a major change within Docs page(s). It needs a MR and has to be approved by someone else than the assignee before it can be merged!
  • Meeting
    fedora / Fedora Docs
    Issues to discuss at the next Docs Team meeting
  • Minor change
    fedora / Fedora Docs
    This is only a minor change in Docs page(s). It does not need an approval, and it can be committed directly (an MR is not mandatory)!
  • Multiple MR likely
    fedora / Fedora Docs
    If there is a possibility that this change affects multiple branches, add this label! Then, proceed as described in the "Docs workflow organization"
  • Postponed
    fedora / Fedora Docs
    This should be in triage, but because other tasks in triage have priority, this one is postponed for now: the team has to focus at the moment.
  • Support needed
    fedora / Fedora Docs
    Something was already done, but someone has to support the existing assignee OR take over the assignment at all (see comments within the issue)!
  • Triage
    fedora / Fedora Docs
    Issue is labelled & classified, but no one has been assigned yet. Do you want to take over? Feel free to assign yourself and shift the issue to "In progress"!