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Small simplification of Makefile, regenerate apidocs for scheduler

Pawel Rozlach requested to merge prozlach/simplify_makefile into main

This PR contains:

  • a small simplification of a Makefile that I made while digging through source-code. Kustomize is embedded into kubectl since 1.14, since 1.21 the version embedded is pretty recent (4.0.5, 4.2.0 for 1.22), and ATM the oldest support version of k8s is 1.22.
  • re-generate API docs for scheduler, as running make api-docs -C scheduler on main results in changes

There is only one target left that is using Kustomize: update-image-tag. I did not know how to rewrite it easily from the top of my head so decided to ship what I have. Given some more time, I think it should be possible to remove kustomize tool from dependencies altogether.

Let me know if there is some context that I am missing, happy to close this MR if there is.

Edited by Pawel Rozlach

Merge request reports