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Modify mail_room to crash with json

charlie ablett requested to merge cablett-log-exit-as-json into master

This MR updates the mail_room gem usage to include --log-exit-as parameter. This allows crash logs to be written as a single JSON object rather than multiple lines for easier intake into ElasticSearch.


Original PR:

@cmiskell's original comment

All structured makes our log ingestion (to ElasticSearch) a lot more reliable/better. I can't find the link right now, but I think sidekiq is causing us problems (particularly running in k8s) where some logs are JSON structured and some are not. So I'd prefer exclusively structured.

Original issue: gitlab#30070 (closed)

mail_room fork issue: gitlab#207207 (closed)

MR (mail_room upgrade): gitlab!25869 (merged)

CNG MR (mail_room upgrade): gitlab-org/build/CNG!393 (merged)

CNG MR (use --log-exit-as): gitlab-org/build/CNG!395 (merged)

Edited by GitLab Release Tools Bot

Merge request reports