Fix N+1 queries in Jira Development Panel API endpoint
What does this MR do?
There were three sources of N+1 queries here: the license check, the path and namespace information, and the root namespace.
The license check was the worst. We were checking the license information on each project individually. This meant we couldn't paginate in SQL, but did so in Ruby, so it was not only an N+1, it was loading too many records.
To fix this, we use the fact that this API endpoint can only return projects in a particular namespace. License checks end up at one of two places: for most instances, it's the instance's license itself. For, where individual namespaces have their own plan, it's the root namespace (subgroups can't have plans; they inherit their plan from the root).
This means that we only ever need a single check. If it passes, every project returned has the feature available. If it fails, we return a 404, like the other endpoints here. That way we can paginate in SQL, as we should.
The path and namespace information N+1 was simple to fix: just preload that information.
The final N+1 was on the root namespace, which we return as the owner
field for compatibility with GitHub. Again, this was always the same for
all items in the response, but we can't preload it easily because
different projects will be at different levels of the hierarchy.
Instead, we just calculate the root namespace once, and pass that as an
option to the entity. The entity uses that value if it's given, and
falls back to calculating it if it's not (in case this entity is used
elsewhere without that option).
For #29741 (closed).
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changed milestone to %12.4
I wasn't able to test this fully in a console as my usual trick, copying and pasting the new class definition, doesn't appear to work for Grape endpoints. I did some validation, though:
I checked the current results in the profiler. To do so, I had to override the user-agent check we do:
class Gitlab::Jira::Middleware; def self.jira_dvcs_connector?(*); true; end; end
I also sanity-checked a few examples to validate that we always have all licensed projects in the response, or all non-licensed projects. Here
are from[ gprd ] production> def check(username, path) [ gprd ] production> projects = Project.public_or_visible_to_user(User.find_by_username(username)).in_namespace(Group.find_by_full_path(path).self_and_descendants) [ gprd ] production> [projects.count, { |project| project.feature_available?(:jira_dev_panel_integration) }.count] [ gprd ] production> end => :check [ gprd ] production> check('smcgivern', 'issue-reproduce') => [1566, 1566] [ gprd ] production> check('smcgivern', 'gitlab-org') => [606, 606] [ gprd ] production> check('smcgivern', 'gitlab-com') => [1190, 1190] [ gprd ] production> check('smcgivern', 'gitlab-com/people-group') => [14, 14] [ gprd ] production> check('smcgivern', 'gl-technical-interviews/backend') => [499, 0] [ gprd ] production> check('smcgivern', 'gl-retrospectives') => [22, 22] [ gprd ] production> check(user_from_kibana, path_from_kibana) => [1824, 1824]
mentioned in issue #29741 (closed)
- Resolved by Thong Kuah
@engwan as you have the context here, and you're a trainee maintainer, could you review this?
assigned to @engwan and unassigned @smcgivern
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- Resolved by Heinrich Lee Yu
- Resolved by Sean McGivern
- Resolved by Thong Kuah
- Resolved by Heinrich Lee Yu
Thanks @smcgivern, looks good!
Do you think we need to add a spec for the unlicensed case for this endpoint? I see that we don't have existing specs for this and we changed the behavior a bit here by now returning a 404 instead of an empty list.
assigned to @smcgivern and unassigned @engwan
- Resolved by Sean McGivern
mentioned in issue #33741 (closed)
Thanks @engwan! Could you take another look please?
assigned to @engwan and unassigned @smcgivern
added 1 commit
- a6ec2bc4 - Fix N+1 queries in Jira Development Panel API endpoint