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Fix CI rules-if comparison with Regexp variables

Furkan Ayhan requested to merge 35438-ci-variable-comparison-with-regexp into master

What does this MR do and why?

When the right side of a =~ or !~ comparison is a regexp variable, we consider this as a string. However, we need to try converting it to a regexp if possible.

In this MR, we start to try to consider the right side of an expression as a regexp.

Related to #35438 (closed)

This fix is behind a feature flag ci_fix_rules_if_comparison_with_regexp_variable (#359740 (closed)).

Screenshots or screen recordings

  1. Example CI pipeline config:
  teststring: 'abcde'
  pattern: '/^ab.*/'

  script: exit 0
    - if: '$teststring =~ $pattern'

  script: exit 0
    - if: '$teststring =~ /^ab.*/'
  1. Run a pipeline;

test1 is not included in the pipeline.


  1. Enable ci_fix_rules_if_comparison_with_regexp_variable and run a pipeline;

test1 is included in the pipeline.


MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Furkan Ayhan

Merge request reports