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Rearrange pipelines page

Jose Ivan Vargas requested to merge jivanvl-reestructure-pipelines-page into master

What does this MR do and why?

This rearranges the columns of the pipelines component, changing the overall look and feel of the pipelines page and pipelines table inside the MR page

This is behind the rearrange_pipelines_table feature flag

#339230 (closed)

Screenshots or screen recordings

Pipelines page


Desktop Mobile
Screen_Shot_2021-10-27_at_10.16.19 Screen_Shot_2021-10-27_at_10.17.36


Desktop Mobile
Screen_Shot_2022-01-18_at_13.09.30 Screen_Shot_2022-01-18_at_13.09.55

Merge request page


Desktop Mobile
Screen_Shot_2021-10-27_at_12.27.11 Screen_Shot_2021-10-27_at_12.27.29


Desktop Mobile
Screen_Shot_2022-01-18_at_13.11.47 Screen_Shot_2022-01-18_at_13.11.56
  • Note the merge request page showing a slightly larger column width is because the gitlab-ui update didn't kick in, updating...

How to set up and validate locally

  1. Enable the rearrange_pipelines_table feature flag
  1. Visit any project that has pipelines and go to the CI/CD -> pipelines page

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Jose Ivan Vargas

Merge request reports