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Split sign in and sign up for Trial flow

Alex Buijs requested to merge split-sign-in-sign-up-for-trial-flow into master

What does this MR do?

This is a continuation of the work done here where the sign in and sign up pages have been divided up into two separate pages.

Unregistered users

When coming from the marketing website with the intention of starting a free trial license, previously a not logged in user would land on the 'Sign in' tab. Now a non logged in user always lands on the register page. After registering an account, the new user will be redirected to the free trial start page.

Registered users, not logged in

When a user already has an account but is not logged in, they can still sign in by clicking the 'Sign in' link on the page, which redirects to the regular sign in page. After signing in, the user will be redirected to the free trial start page.

Logged in users

Behavior for logged in users is unchanged: they will be redirected to the free trial start page immediately.


Sign up

Before After
Screen_Shot_2020-11-10_at_14.18.08 Screen_Shot_2020-11-12_at_12.23.56

Sign in

Before After
Screen_Shot_2020-11-10_at_14.17.57 Screen_Shot_2020-11-10_at_14.16.21

Issue: #224453 (closed), gitlab-org/growth/product#1471 (closed)

Edited by Alex Buijs

Merge request reports