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Resolve "Web IDE mangles some images uploaded"

Himanshu Kapoor requested to merge 270870-web-ide-mangles-images into master

What does this MR do?

Issue: #270870 (closed)

Some (not all) images uploaded through Web IDE are mangled. Apparently this is a regression that happened due to the fix in !44699 (merged)

Example of mangled image: gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com!65367 (fe63b8a4)


This error cannot be reliably reproduced. But it is undeniable that it was caused by a mismatch between atob in app/assets/javascripts/ide/components/new_dropdown/upload.vue and btoa in app/assets/javascripts/ide/stores/utils.js.

Basically, a browser bug sometimes makes atob(btoa(binary_data)) not equal to binary_data due to differences in encoding. hence we should avoid using atob and btoa at all.


In !44699 (merged), we use btoa to encode image/binary content and upload. This is an unreliable approach. Instead we should fetch the blob and get its base64 contents.

Screenshots (strongly suggested)

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Related to #270870 (closed)

Edited by Himanshu Kapoor

Merge request reports