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Step 3/4: Update Releases page to use Vuex state instead of props

What does this MR do?

Updates the Vue app that powers the project Releases page (/-/releases) to pass static data through Vuex state instead of through component props.

This conforms to our Vuex state initialization pattern described here:


This change allows Vuex actions to reference this data directly from state instead of accepting the data as a parameter, which simplifies their usage for Vue components that use them.


This change makes no user-facing changes.

The Big PictureTM

This MR is one piece of a larger effort (#214241 (closed)):

  • Step 1 (!33095 (merged)): Update the frontend to fetch its data from the GraphQL endpoint (without any pagination)
  • Step 2 (!41621 (merged)): Add pagination components (but don't use them yet)
  • Step 3 (this MR): Pass data through Vuex store instead of through props
  • Step 4 (!41441 (merged)): Begin using the components from step 2

Each of these steps are dependent on the preceding step.

Edited by Nathan Friend

Merge request reports