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Step 2/4: Add pagination sub-components for "Releases" page

Nathan Friend requested to merge nfriend-add-releases-pagination-components into master

What does this MR do?

Adds three new components:

  • ReleasesPagination
  • ReleasesPaginationGraphql
  • ReleasesPaginationRest

These three components will be used to replace the existing pagination controls on the Releases page. This is prep work for the GraphQL pagination work being done in !41441 (merged).

These components are not used yet. A future MR will begin using these components by swapping out this line with something like:

<releases-pagination v-if="!isLoading" />


This MR makes no user-facing changes.

The Big PictureTM

This MR is one piece of a larger effort (#214241 (closed)):

  • Step 1 (!33095 (merged)): Update the frontend to fetch its data from the GraphQL endpoint (without any pagination)
  • Step 2 (this MR): Add pagination components (but don't use them yet)
  • Step 3 (!41636 (merged)): Pass data through Vuex store instead of through props
  • Step 4 (!41441 (merged)): Begin using the components from step 2

Each of these steps are dependent on the preceding step.

Edited by Nathan Friend

Merge request reports