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Display tokens that have do not have expiry enforced

Aishwarya Subramanian requested to merge active-yet-expired-tokens into master

Problem Statement

In !33783 (merged), we introduced the option to toggle Personal Access Token Expiry Enforcement.

Consider a situation when expiry is not enforced and a token expires. The user can continue to use the token (we will be showing in-app banner as part of !34101 (merged)), however there is no way for the user to revoke the access for the token from the UI if they want to. The inactive tokens are not displayed in the user's Personal Access Token page.

What does this MR do?

This MR shows the tokens that have expired yet are active in the list of Active Tokens. In order to make it explicit to the user, the token is shown as Expired with a tool-tip that says Expiration not enforced.

Mentions #214723 (closed)




  "personal_access_tokens"."user_id" = 641
  AND "personal_access_tokens"."impersonation" = FALSE
  AND (("personal_access_tokens"."revoked" = FALSE
      OR "personal_access_tokens"."revoked" IS NULL)
    AND (expires_at <= '2020-06-17 17:23:06.003591')
    OR (revoked = FALSE
      AND (expires_at >= NOW()
        OR expires_at IS NULL)))
  "personal_access_tokens"."expires_at" ASC

Execution time:

Time: 8.052 ms
  - planning: 0.409 ms
  - execution: 7.643 ms
    - I/O read: 7.404 ms
    - I/O write: 0.000 ms

Shared buffers:
  - hits: 0 from the buffer pool
  - reads: 4 (~32.00 KiB) from the OS file cache, including disk I/O
  - dirtied: 0
  - writes: 0

Execution plan:

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Availability and Testing


If this MR contains changes to processing or storing of credentials or tokens, authorization and authentication methods and other items described in the security review guidelines:

  • Label as security and @ mention @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec
  • The MR includes necessary changes to maintain consistency between UI, API, email, or other methods
  • Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team
Edited by Aishwarya Subramanian

Merge request reports