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Track unique visitors to analytics pages

Magdalena Frankiewicz requested to merge count-weekly-unique-visits into master

What does this MR do?

Solves, together with adding data to usage ping (original issue: #221075 (closed) and approved MR: !34732 (merged))

This MR tracks unique users visiting listed analytics pages (only if the format is HTML, to avoid tracking API calls and only when the usage ping is enabled) by storing a long-lived cookie (24 months) containing a random UUID. In that way, we can track visits without associating them to the user id. We do not track visits if DNT is enabled by the user.

We also get the count of unique visits on any target.

The counts are added to the usage ping. Once this MR is merged, we will be able to see unique visits data in the usage ping.

This MR covers listed pages with assigned target_id name:

page target id
/groups/:group/-/contribution_analytics g_analytics_contribution
/groups/:group/-/insights g_analytics_insights
/groups/:group/-/issues_analytics g_analytics_issues
/groups/:group/-/analytics/productivity_analytics g_analytics_productivity
/groups/:group/-/analytics/value_stream_analytics g_analytics_valuestream
/:group/:project/pipelines/charts p_analytics_pipelines
/:group/:project/-/analytics/code_reviews p_analytics_code_reviews
/:group/:project/-/value_stream_analytics p_analytics_valuestream
/:group/:project/insights p_analytics_insights
/:group/:project/-/analytics/issues_analytics p_analytics_issues
/:group/:project/-/graphs/master/charts p_analytics_repo
/dashboard/todos u_analytics_todos
/-/instance_statistics/cohorts i_analytics_cohorts
/-/instance_statistics/dev_ops_score i_analytics_dev_ops_score

Note on implementation choice: I created a service with methods for tracking visits and counting them to separate the interface from the storage. The count of unique visits is implemented with Redis HyperLogLog, for efficiency, stale keys are automatically expired after 28 days. We track weekly unique visits where the week bucket is as defined by ISO 8601:

ISO 8601 week-based year and week number: The week 1 of YYYY starts with a Monday and includes YYYY-01-04. The days in the year before the first week are in the last week of the previous year. %G - The week-based year %g - The last 2 digits of the week-based year (00..99) %V - Week number of the week-based year (01..53)

This differs from the US convention of starting the week on Sunday but has the important advantage of having each week of exactly 7 days. (Other methods result in partial weeks at the beginning or the end of the year.)


Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Availability and Testing


If this MR contains changes to processing or storing of credentials or tokens, authorization and authentication methods and other items described in the security review guidelines:

  • Label as security and @ mention @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec
  • The MR includes necessary changes to maintain consistency between UI, API, email, or other methods
  • Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team
Edited by Dan Jensen

Merge request reports