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Move metrics controller EE methods into Core

Reuben Pereira requested to merge 42639-move-custom-metrics-controller into master

What does this MR do?

Issue: #42639 (closed)

This MR moves the EE metrics controller code into the core metrics controller.

This is the third MR in a chain of MRs.

Changes in this MR:

  1. Move ee/app/controllers/ee/projects/prometheus/metrics_controller.rb into app/controllers/projects/prometheus/metrics_controller.rb.
  2. Move ee/spec/controllers/projects/prometheus/metrics_controller_spec.rb into spec/controllers/projects/prometheus/metrics_controller_spec.rb.
  3. Move validate_query route from ee/config/routes/project.rb into config/routes/project.rb since validate_query is one of the controller endpoints being moved.
  4. Move ee/spec/fixtures/api/schemas/prometheus/metrics.json to spec/fixtures/api/schemas/prometheus/metrics.json since it is used by the prometheus_metrics_controller_spec.rb file.
  5. Move ee/lib/gitlab/prometheus/queries/validate_query.rb to lib/gitlab/prometheus/queries/validate_query.rb.
  6. Move ee/app/serializers/prometheus_metric_serializer.rb to app/serializers/prometheus_metric_serializer.rb since it is only used by the MetricsController.
  7. Move ee/app/serializers/prometheus_metric_entity.rb to app/serializers/prometheus_metric_entity.rb since it is only used by the PrometheusMetricSerializer.
  8. Move ee/app/views/projects/prometheus/metrics/edit.html.haml to app/views/projects/prometheus/metrics/edit.html.haml since it is used by the MetricsController#edit endpoint.
  9. Move ee/app/views/projects/prometheus/metrics/new.html.haml to app/views/projects/prometheus/metrics/new.html.haml since it is used by the MetricsController#new endpoint.
  10. Move ee/app/views/projects/prometheus/metrics/_form.html.haml to app/views/projects/prometheus/metrics/_form.html.haml since the view is used by the new and edit HTML files.

Manual testing

To test the EE product, follow the steps in the issue to test create/edit/delete a custom metric.

To test the CE product, remove the ee folder (you can rename it instead) of your GDK and verify that the Prometheus integration settings page (Settings > Integrations > Prometheus) works fine. The custom metrics feature will not show up in CE until the frontend MR is merged.


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  • Label as security and @ mention @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec
  • The MR includes necessary changes to maintain consistency between UI, API, email, or other methods
  • Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team
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