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Resolve "Perform multiple helm and kubectl clean up in one call"

What does this MR do?

  1. Accept multiple release names in Quality::HelmClient and Quality::KubernetesClient
  2. automated_cleanup.rb accumulates releases to be cleaned up before executing them

Closes #34838 (closed)

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

Tested the kubectl selector in minikube

$ kubectl get deploy | grep busy
busy-1          0/1     1            0           27s
busy-2          0/1     1            0           22s

$ kubectl delete all -l 'release in (busy-1, busy-2)'
pod "busy-1-7fcc679c55-jgqkt" deleted
pod "busy-2-5c8b9d5f65-hz4mx" deleted
deployment.apps "busy-1" deleted
deployment.apps "busy-2" deleted
replicaset.apps "busy-1-7fcc679c55" deleted
replicaset.apps "busy-2-5c8b9d5f65" deleted


Availability and Testing

Edited by Albert Salim

Merge request reports