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Backport 'Zoekt: Do not process failed repos' into 17.6

Dmitry Gruzd requested to merge cherry-pick-bc83e5d1 into 17-6-stable-ee

What does this MR do and why?

This MR backports !173895 (merged) to %17.6. This is to prevent SM customers from having the same issue.

#506388 (closed)

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

  • This MR is backporting a bug fix, documentation update, or spec fix, previously merged in the default branch.
  • The MR that fixed the bug on the default branch has been deployed to (not applicable for documentation or spec changes).
  • This MR has a severity label assigned (if applicable).
  • Set the milestone of the merge request to match the target backport branch version.
  • This MR has been approved by a maintainer (only one approval is required).
  • Ensure the e2e:test-on-omnibus-ee job has either succeeded or been approved by a Software Engineer in Test.

Note to the merge request author and maintainer

If you have questions about the patch release process, please:

Edited by Ravi Kumar

Merge request reports
