Add and backfill namespace_id for resource_weight_events
What does this MR do and why?
Add and backfill namespace_id for resource_weight_events.
This table has a desired sharding key configured (view configuration).
This merge request is the first step towards transforming the desired sharding key into a sharding key.
This involves three changes:
- Adding a new column that will serve as the sharding key (along with the relevant index and foreign key).
- Populating the sharding key when new records are created by adding a database function and trigger.
- Scheduling a batched background migration to set the sharding key for existing records.
Once the background migration has completed, a second merge request will be created to finalize the background migration and validate the not null constraint.
How to verify
We have assigned a random backend engineer from groupproject management to review these changes. Please review this merge request from a backend perspective. The main thing we are looking to verify is that the added column and association match the values specified by the desired sharding key configuration and that backfilling the column from this other table makes sense in the context of this feature.
When you are finished, please:
- Trigger the database testing pipeline as instructed by Danger.
- Request a review from the backend maintainer and database reviewer suggested by Danger.
If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to @tigerwnz
or @shubhamkrai.
This merge request was generated by a once off keep implemented in !143774
This change was generated by gitlab-housekeeper using the Keeps::BackfillDesiredShardingKeySmallTable keep.
To provide feedback on your experience with gitlab-housekeeper
please create an issue with the
label GitLab Housekeeper and consider pinging the author of this keep.
Merge request reports
added devopsplan sectiondev labels
added 1 commit
- e1280544 - Add and backfill namespace_id for resource_weight_events
assigned to @shubhamkrai
changed milestone to %17.7
- A deleted user
added backend databasereview pending labels
1 Warning b874681b: The commit body should not contain more than 72 characters per line. For more information, take a look at our Commit message guidelines. Reviewer roulette
Category Reviewer Maintainer backend @lesley-r
(UTC-6, 7 hours behind author)
(UTC+1, same timezone as author)
database @jdrpereira
(UTC+0, 1 hour behind author)
(UTC+1, same timezone as author)
Please refer to documentation page for guidance on how you can benefit from the Reviewer Roulette, or use the GitLab Review Workload Dashboard to find other available reviewers.
If needed, you can retry the
job that generated this comment.Generated by
Danger- A deleted user
added Data WarehouseImpact Check label
Database migrations (on the main database)
Migrations included in this change have been executed on data for testing purposes. For details, please see the migration testing pipeline (limited access).
Migration Type Total runtime Result DB size change 20241202142250 - AddNamespaceIdToResourceWeightEvents Regular 4.7 s +0.00 B 20241202142251 - IndexResourceWeightEventsOnNamespaceId Post deploy 13.0 s +30.39 MiB 20241202142252 - AddResourceWeightEventsNamespaceIdFk Post deploy 6.0 s +0.00 B 20241202142253 - AddResourceWeightEventsNamespaceIdTrigger Post deploy 5.0 s +0.00 B 20241202142254 - QueueBackfillResourceWeightEventsNamespaceId Post deploy 5.4 s +0.00 B Runtime Histogram for all migrations
Query Runtime Count 0 seconds - 0.01 seconds 0 0.01 seconds - 0.1 seconds 0 0.1 seconds - 1 second 23 1 second - 5 seconds 0 5 seconds - 15 seconds 1 15 seconds - 5 minutes 0 5 minutes + 0 Migration: 20241202142250 - AddNamespaceIdToResourceWeightEvents
* Duration: 4.7 s
* Database size change: +0.00 BCalls Total Time Max Time Mean Time Rows Query 1 1.6 ms 1.6 ms 1.6 ms 0 ALTER TABLE "resource_weight_events" ADD "namespace_id" bigint
2 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 2 SELECT pg_backend_pid()
Histogram for AddNamespaceIdToResourceWeightEvents
Query Runtime Count 0 seconds - 0.01 seconds 0 0.01 seconds - 0.1 seconds 0 0.1 seconds - 1 second 3 1 second - 5 seconds 0 5 seconds - 15 seconds 0 15 seconds - 5 minutes 0 5 minutes + 0 Migration: 20241202142251 - IndexResourceWeightEventsOnNamespaceId
* Duration: 13.0 s
* Database size change: +30.39 MiBCalls Total Time Max Time Mean Time Rows Query 1 7365.1 ms 7365.1 ms 7365.1 ms 0 CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY "index_resource_weight_events_on_namespace_id" ON "resource_weight_events" ("namespace_id")
2 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 2 SELECT pg_backend_pid()
Histogram for IndexResourceWeightEventsOnNamespaceId
Query Runtime Count 0 seconds - 0.01 seconds 0 0.01 seconds - 0.1 seconds 0 0.1 seconds - 1 second 2 1 second - 5 seconds 0 5 seconds - 15 seconds 1 15 seconds - 5 minutes 0 5 minutes + 0 Migration: 20241202142252 - AddResourceWeightEventsNamespaceIdFk
* Duration: 6.0 s
* Database size change: +0.00 BCalls Total Time Max Time Mean Time Rows Query 1 8.3 ms 8.3 ms 8.3 ms 0 ALTER TABLE resource_weight_events VALIDATE CONSTRAINT fk_97c7849ca4
1 1.7 ms 1.7 ms 1.7 ms 0 ALTER TABLE resource_weight_events ADD CONSTRAINT fk_97c7849ca4 FOREIGN KEY (namespace_id) REFERENCES namespaces (id) ON DELETE CASCADE NOT VALID
2 0.4 ms 0.2 ms 0.2 ms 0 SELECT "postgres_partitioned_tables".*
FROM "postgres_partitioned_tables" WHERE (identifier = concat(current_schema(), $1, $2))
LIMIT $31 0.1 ms 0.1 ms 0.1 ms 0 SELECT $1 AS one
FROM "postgres_foreign_keys" WHERE "postgres_foreign_keys"."constrained_table_name" = $2 AND "postgres_foreign_keys"."referenced_table_name" = $3 AND "postgres_foreign_keys"."name" = $4 AND "postgres_foreign_keys"."constrained_columns" = $5 AND "postgres_foreign_keys"."referenced_columns" = $6 AND "postgres_foreign_keys"."on_delete_action" = $7
LIMIT $82 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 2 SELECT pg_backend_pid()
Histogram for AddResourceWeightEventsNamespaceIdFk
Query Runtime Count 0 seconds - 0.01 seconds 0 0.01 seconds - 0.1 seconds 0 0.1 seconds - 1 second 7 1 second - 5 seconds 0 5 seconds - 15 seconds 0 15 seconds - 5 minutes 0 5 minutes + 0 Migration: 20241202142253 - AddResourceWeightEventsNamespaceIdTrigger
* Duration: 5.0 s
* Database size change: +0.00 BCalls Total Time Max Time Mean Time Rows Query 1 0.7 ms 0.7 ms 0.7 ms 0 CREATE TRIGGER trigger_e4a6cde57b42 BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON "resource_weight_events" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION trigger_e4a6cde57b42()
1 0.4 ms 0.4 ms 0.4 ms 0 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trigger_e4a6cde57b42() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $1 LANGUAGE PLPGSQL
1 0.1 ms 0.1 ms 0.1 ms 0 DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_e4a6cde57b42 ON "resource_weight_events"
2 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 2 SELECT pg_backend_pid()
Histogram for AddResourceWeightEventsNamespaceIdTrigger
Query Runtime Count 0 seconds - 0.01 seconds 0 0.01 seconds - 0.1 seconds 0 0.1 seconds - 1 second 5 1 second - 5 seconds 0 5 seconds - 15 seconds 0 15 seconds - 5 minutes 0 5 minutes + 0 Migration: 20241202142254 - QueueBackfillResourceWeightEventsNamespaceId
* Duration: 5.4 s
* Database size change: +0.00 BCalls Total Time Max Time Mean Time Rows Query 1 2.2 ms 2.2 ms 2.2 ms 1 SELECT MAX("id")
FROM "resource_weight_events"1 0.6 ms 0.6 ms 0.6 ms 0 SELECT $1 AS one
FROM "batched_background_migrations" WHERE "batched_background_migrations"."job_class_name" = $2 AND "batched_background_migrations"."table_name" = $3 AND "batched_background_migrations"."column_name" = $4 AND (job_arguments = $5) AND "batched_background_migrations"."gitlab_schema" = $6
LIMIT $71 0.2 ms 0.2 ms 0.2 ms 1 INSERT INTO "batched_background_migrations" ("created_at", "updated_at", "max_value", "batch_size", "sub_batch_size", "interval", "status", "job_class_name", "table_name", "column_name", "job_arguments", "total_tuple_count", "started_at", "gitlab_schema", "queued_migration_version") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15) RETURNING "id"
1 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 0 SELECT $1 AS one
FROM "batched_background_migrations" WHERE "batched_background_migrations"."job_arguments" = $2 AND "batched_background_migrations"."job_class_name" = $3 AND "batched_background_migrations"."table_name" = $4 AND "batched_background_migrations"."column_name" = $5
LIMIT $62 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 2 SELECT pg_backend_pid()
Histogram for QueueBackfillResourceWeightEventsNamespaceId
Query Runtime Count 0 seconds - 0.01 seconds 0 0.01 seconds - 0.1 seconds 0 0.1 seconds - 1 second 6 1 second - 5 seconds 0 5 seconds - 15 seconds 0 15 seconds - 5 minutes 0 5 minutes + 0 Background Migration: BackfillResourceWeightEventsNamespaceId
Sampled 59 batches. Estimated Time to complete: 6 days, 9 hours, and 8 minutes
- Interval: 120s
- Max batch size: 0
- Estimated seconds to complete: 551280s
- Average batch time: 5.88s
- Batch size: 1000
- N. of batches sampled: 59
- N. of failed batches: 0
Time estimation is conservative and based on sampling production data in a test environment. It represents the max time that migration could take. The actual time may differ from this estimation.
Consider changing max_batch_size and interval if this estimate is unacceptable.
Calls Total Time Max Time Mean Time Rows Query 522 54006.4 ms 1422.5 ms 103.5 ms 42300 UPDATE resource_weight_events
SET namespace_id = issues.namespace_id
FROM issues
WHERE = resource_weight_events.issue_id AND IN (
FROM resource_weight_events
WHERE BETWEEN $1 AND $2 AND >= $3 AND < $4 AND resource_weight_events.namespace_id IS NULL
)59 5063.1 ms 163.2 ms 85.8 ms 4702 UPDATE resource_weight_events
SET namespace_id = issues.namespace_id
FROM issues
WHERE = resource_weight_events.issue_id AND IN (
FROM resource_weight_events
WHERE BETWEEN $1 AND $2 AND >= $3 AND resource_weight_events.namespace_id IS NULL
)581 141.6 ms 1.6 ms 0.2 ms 522 SELECT
FROM resource_weight_events
OFFSET $559 7.5 ms 0.4 ms 0.1 ms 59 UPDATE batched_background_migration_jobs
SET updated_at = $1, finished_at = $2, status = $3, metrics = $4
WHERE = $5118 15.8 ms 0.3 ms 0.1 ms 118 INSERT INTO batched_background_migration_job_transition_logs (batched_background_migration_job_id, created_at, updated_at, previous_status, next_status) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING id
59 6.8 ms 0.2 ms 0.1 ms 59 UPDATE batched_background_migration_jobs
SET updated_at = $1, started_at = $2, status = $3, attempts = $4
WHERE = $5118 4.4 ms 0.1 ms 0.0 ms 118 SELECT batched_background_migration_jobs.*
FROM batched_background_migration_jobs
WHERE = $1
LIMIT $259 2.6 ms 0.1 ms 0.0 ms 59 SELECT sum(batched_background_migration_jobs.batch_size)
FROM batched_background_migration_jobs
WHERE batched_background_migration_jobs.batched_background_migration_id = $1 AND batched_background_migration_jobs.status IN ($2)59 1.8 ms 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 59 SELECT
FROM resource_weight_events
LIMIT $3Histogram of batch runtimes for BackfillResourceWeightEventsNamespaceId
Batch Runtime Count 0 seconds - 10 seconds 59 10 seconds - 1 minute 0 1 minute - 2 minutes 0 2 minutes - 3 minutes 0 3 minutes - 5 minutes 0 5 minutes + 0 Histogram across all sampled batches of BackfillResourceWeightEventsNamespaceId
Query Runtime Count 0 seconds - 0.1 seconds 0 0.1 seconds - 0.5 seconds 1632 0.5 seconds - 1 second 1 1 second - 2 seconds 1 2 seconds - 5 seconds 0 5 seconds + 0 Background Migration: BackfillSeatAssignmentsTable
Sampled 16 batches. Estimated Time to complete: 6 days, 22 hours, and 44 minutes
- Interval: 120s
- Max batch size: 0
- Estimated seconds to complete: 600240s
- Average batch time: 25.9s
- Batch size: 10000
- N. of batches sampled: 16
- N. of failed batches: 0
Time estimation is conservative and based on sampling production data in a test environment. It represents the max time that migration could take. The actual time may differ from this estimation.
Consider changing max_batch_size and interval if this estimate is unacceptable.
Calls Total Time Max Time Mean Time Rows Query 151 126688.7 ms 1934.7 ms 839.0 ms 100446 INSERT INTO subscription_seat_assignments (namespace_id, user_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4), ($5, $6, $7, $8), ($9, $10, $11, $12), ($13, $14, $15, $16), ($17, $18, $19, $20), ($21, $22, $23, $24), ($25, $26, $27, $28), ($29, $30, $31, $32), ($33, $34, $35, $36), ($37, $38, $39, $40), ($41, $42, $43, $44), ($45, $46, $47, $48), ($49, $50, $51, $52), ($53, $54, $55, $56), ($57, $58, $59, $60), ($61, $62, $63, $64), ($65, $66, $67, $68), ($69, $70, $71, $72), ($73, $74, $75, $76), ($77, $78, $79, $80), ($81, $82, $83, $84), ($85, $86, $87, $88), ($89, $90, $91, $92), ($93, $94, $95, $96), ($97, $98, $99, $100), ($101, $102, $103, $104), ($105, $106, $107, $108), ($109, $110, $111, $112), ($113, $114, $115, $116), ($117, $118, $119, $120), ($121, $122, $123, $124), ($125, $126, $127, $128), ($129, $130, $131, $132), ($133, $134, $135, $136), ($137, $138, $139, $140), ($141, $142, $143, $144), ($145, $146, $147, $148), ($149, $150, $151, $152), ($153, $154, $155, $156), ($157, $158, $159, $160), ($161, $162, $163, $164), ($165, $166, $167, $168), ($169, $170, $171, $172), ($173, $174, $175, $176), ($177, $178, $179, $180), ($181, $182, $183, $184), ($185, $186, $187, $188), ($189, $190, $191, $192), ($193, $194, $195, $196), ($197, $198, $199, $200), ($201, $202, $203, $204), ($205, $206, $207, $208), ($209, $210, $211, $212), ($213, $214, $215, $216), ($217, $218, $219, $220), ($221, $222, $223, $224), ($225, $226, $227, $228), ($229, $230, $231, $232), ($233, $234, $235, $236), ($237, $238, $239, $240), ($241, $242, $243, $244), ($245, $246, $247, $248), ($249, $250, $251, $252), ($253, $254, $255, $256), ($257, $258, $259, $260), ($261, $262, $263, $264), ($265, $266, $267, $268), ($269, $270, $271, $272), ($273, $274, $275, $276), ($277, $278, $279, $280), ($281, $282, $283, $284), ($285, $286, $287, $288), ($289, $290, $291, $292), ($293, $294, $295, $296), ($297, $298, $299, $300), ($301, $302, $303, $304), ($305, $306, $307, $308), ($309, $310, $311, $312), ($313, $314, $315, $316), ($317, $318, $319, $320), ($321, $322, $323, $324), ($325, $326, $327, $328), ($329, $330, $331, $332), ($333, $334, $335, $336), ($337, $338, $339, $340), ($341, $342, $343, $344), ($345, $346, $347, $348), ($349, $350, $351, $352), ($353, $354, $355, $356), ($357, $358, $359, $360), ($361, $362, $363, $364), ($365, $366, $367, $368), ($369, $370, $371, $372), ($373, $374, $375, $376), ($377, $378, $379, $380), ($381, $382, $383, $384), ($385, $386, $387, $388), ($389, $390, $391, $392), ($393, $394, $395, $396), ($397, $398, $399, $400), ($401, $402, $403, $404), ($405, $406, $407, $408), ($409, $410, $411, $412), ($413, $414, $415, $416), ($417, $418, $419, $420), ($421, $422, $423, $424), ($425, $426, $427, $428), ($429, $430, $431, $432), ($433, $434, $435, $436), ($437, $438, $439, $440), ($441, $442, $443, $444), ($445, $446, $447, $448), ($449, $450, $451, $452), ($453, $454, $455, $456), ($457, $458, $459, $460), ($461, $462, $463, $464), ($465, $466, $467, $468), ($469, $470, $471, $472), ($473, $474, $475, $476), ($477, $478, $479, $480), ($481, $482, $483, $484), ($485, $486, $487, $488), ($489, $490, $491, $492), ($493, $494, $495, $496), ($497, $498, $499, $500), ($501, $502, $503, $504), ($505, $506, $507, $508), ($509, $510, $511, $512), ($513, $514, $515, $516), ($517, $518, $519, $520), ($521, $522, $523, $524), ($525, $526, $527, $528), ($529, $530, $531, $532), ($533, $534, $535, $536), ($537, $538, $539, $540), ($541, $542, $543, $544), ($545, $546, $547, $548), ($549, $550, $551, $552), ($553, $554, $555, $556), ($557, $558, $559, $560), ($561, $562, $563, $564), ($565, $566, $567, $568), ($569, $570, $571, $572), ($573, $574, $575, $576), ($577, $578, $579, $580), ($581, $582, $583, $584), ($585, $586, $587, $588), ($589, $590, $591, $592), ($593, $594, $595, $596), ($597, $598, $599, $600), ($601, $602, $603, $604), ($605, $606, $607, $608), ($609, $610, $611, $612), ($613, $614, $615, $616), ($617, $618, $619, $620), ($621, $622, $623, $624), ($625, $626, $627, $628), ($629, $630, $631, $632), ($633, $634, $635, $636), ($637, $638, $639, $640), ($641, $642, $643, $644), ($645, $646, $647, $648), ($649, $650, $651, $652), ($653, $654, $655, $656), ($657, $658, $659, $660), ($661, $662, $663, $664), ($665, $666, $667, $668), ($669, $670, $671, $672), ($673, $674, $675, $676), ($677, $678, $679, $680), ($681, $682, $683, $684), ($685, $686, $687, $688), ($689, $690, $691, $692), ($693, $694, $695, $696), ($697, $698, $699, $700), ($701, $702, $703, $704), ($705, $706, $707, $708), ($709, $710, $711, $712), ($713, $714, $715, $716), ($717, $718, $719, $720), ($721, $722, $723, $724), ($725, $726, $727, $728), ($729, $730, $731, $732), ($733, $734, $735, $736), ($737, $738, $739, $740), ($741, $742, $743, $744), ($745, $746, $747, $748), ($749, $750, $751, $752), ($753, $754, $755, $756), ($757, $758, $759, $760), ($761, $762, $763, $764), ($765, $766, $767, $768), ($769, $770, $771, $772), ($773, $774, $775, $776), ($777, $778, $779, $780), ($781, $782, $783, $784), ($785, $786, $787, $788), ($789, $790, $791, $792), ($793, $794, $795, $796), ($797, $798, $799, $800), ($801, $802, $803, $804), ($805, $806, $807, $808), ($809, $810, $811, $812), ($813, $814, $815, $816), ($817, $818, $819, $820), ($821, $822, $823, $824), ($825, $826, $827, $828), ($829, $830, $831, $832), ($833, $834, $835, $836), ($837, $838, $839, $840), ($841, $842, $843, $844), ($845, $846, $847, $848), ($849, $850, $851, $852), ($853, $854, $855, $856), ($857, $858, $859, $860), ($861, $862, $863, $864), ($865, $866, $867, $868), ($869, $870, $871, $872), ($873, $874, $875, $876), ($877, $878, $879, $880), ($881, $882, $883, $884), ($885, $886, $887, $888), ($889, $890, $891, $892), ($893, $894, $895, $896), ($897, $898, $899, $900), ($901, $902, $903, $904), ($905, $906, $907, $908), ($909, $910, $911, $912), ($913, $914, $915, $916), ($917, $918, $919, $920), ($921, $922, $923, $924), ($925, $926, $927, $928), ($929, $930, $931, $932), ($933, $934, $935, $936), ($937, $938, $939, $940), ($941, $942, $943, $944), ($945, $946, $947, $948), ($949, $950, $951, $952), ($953, $954, $955, $956), ($957, $958, $959, $960), ($961, $962, $963, $964), ($965, $966, $967, $968), ($969, $970, $971, $972), ($973, $974, $975, $976), ($977, $978, $979, $980), ($981, $982, $983, $984), ($985, $986, $987, $988), ($989, $990, $991, $992), ($993, $994, $995, $996), ($997, $998, $999, $1000), ($1001, $1002, $1003, $1004), ($1005, $1006, $1007, $1008), ($1009, $1010, $1011, $1012), ($1013, $1014, $1015, $1016), ($1017, $1018, $1019, $1020), ($1021, $1022, $1023, $1024), ($1025, $1026, $1027, $1028), ($1029, $1030, $1031, $1032), ($1033, $1034, $1035, $1036), ($1037, $1038, $1039, $1040), ($1041, $1042, $1043, $1044), ($1045, $1046, $1047, $1048), ($1049, $1050, $1051, $1052), ($1053, $1054, $1055, $1056), ($1057, $1058, $1059, $1060), ($1061, $1062, $1063, $1064), ($1065, $1066, $1067, $1068), ($1069, $1070, $1071, $1072), ($1073, $1074, $1075, $1076), ($1077, $1078, $1079, $1080), ($1081, $1082, $1083, $1084), ($1085, $1086, $1087, $1088), ($1089, $1090, $1091, $1092), ($1093, $1094, $1095, $1096), ($1097, $1098, $1099, $1100), ($1101, $1102, $1103, $1104), ($1105, $1106, $1107, $1108), ($1109, $1110, $1111, $1112), ($1113, $1114, $1115, $1116), ($1117, $1118, $1119, $1120), ($1121, $1122, $1123, $1124), ($1125, $1126, $1127, $1128), ($1129, $1130, $1131, $1132), ($1133, $1134, $1135, $1136), ($1137, $1138, $1139, $1140), ($1141, $1142, $1143, $1144), ($1145, $1146, $1147, $1148), ($1149, $1150, $1151, $1152), ($1153, $1154, $1155, $1156), ($1157, $1158, $1159, $1160), ($1161, $1162, $1163, $1164), ($1165, $1166, $1167, $1168), ($1169, $1170, $1171, $1172), ($1173, $1174, $1175, $1176), ($1177, $1178, $1179, $1180), ($1181, $1182, $1183, $1184), ($1185, $1186, $1187, $1188), ($1189, $1190, $1191, $1192), ($1193, $1194, $1195, $1196), ($1197, $1198, $1199, $1200), ($1201, $1202, $1203, $1204), ($1205, $1206, $1207, $1208), ($1209, $1210, $1211, $1212), ($1213, $1214, $1215, $1216), ($1217, $1218, $1219, $1220), ($1221, $1222, $1223, $1224), ($1225, $1226, $1227, $1228), ($1229, $1230, $1231, $1232), ($1233, $1234, $1235, $1236), ($1237, $1238, $1239, $1240), ($1241, $1242, $1243, $1244), ($1245, $1246, $1247, $1248), ($1249, $1250, $1251, $1252), ($1253, $1254, $1255, $1256), ($1257, $1258, $1259, $1260), ($1261, $1262, $1263, $1264), ($1265, $1266, $1267, $1268), ($1269, $1270, $1271, $1272), ($1273, $1274, $1275, $1276), ($1277, $1278, $1279, $1280), ($1281, $1282, $1283, $1284), ($1285, $1286, $1287, $1288), ($1289, $1290, $1291, $1292), ($1293, $1294, $1295, $1296), ($1297, $1298, $1299, $1300), ($1301, $1302, $1303, $1304), ($1305, $1306, $1307, $1308), ($1309, $1310, $1311, $1312), ($1313, $1314, $1315, $1316), ($1317, $1318, $1319, $1320), ($1321, $1322, $1323, $1324), ($1325, $1326, $1327, $1328), ($1329, $1330, $1331, $1332), ($1333, $1334, $1335, $1336), ($1337, $1338, $1339, $1340), ($1341, $1342, $1343, $1344), ($1345, $1346, $1347, $1348), ($1349, $1350, $1351, $1352), ($1353, $1354, $1355, $1356), ($1357, $1358, $1359, $1360), ($1361, $1362, $1363, $1364), ($1365, $1366, $1367, $1368), ($1369, $1370, $1371, $1372), ($1373, $1374, $1375, $1376), ($1377, $1378, $1379, $1380), ($1381, $1382, $1383, $1384), ($1385, $1386, $1387, $1388), ($1389, $1390, $1391, $1392), ($1393, $1394, $1395, $1396), ($1397, $1398, $1399, $1400), ($1401, $1402, $1403, $1404), ($1405, $1406, $1407, $1408), ($1409, $1410, $1411, $1412), ($1413, $1414, $1415, $1416), ($1417, $1418, $1419, $1420), ($1421, $1422, $1423, $1424), ($1425, $1426, $1427, $1428), ($1429, $1430, $1431, $1432), ($1433, $1434, $1435, $1436), ($1437, $1438, $1439, $1440), ($1441, $1442, $1443, $1444), ($1445, $1446, $1447, $1448), ($1449, $1450, $1451, $1452), ($1453, $1454, $1455, $1456), 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$1590, $1591, $1592), ($1593, $1594, $1595, $1596), ($1597, $1598, $1599, $1600), ($1601, $1602, $1603, $1604), ($1605, $1606, $1607, $1608), ($1609, $1610, $1611, $1612), ($1613, $1614, $1615, $1616), ($1617, $1618, $1619, $1620), ($1621, $1622, $1623, $1624), ($1625, $1626, $1627, $1628), ($1629, $1630, $1631, $1632), ($1633, $1634, $1635, $1636), ($1637, $1638, $1639, $1640), ($1641, $1642, $1643, $1644), ($1645, $1646, $1647, $1648), ($1649, $1650, $1651, $1652), ($1653, $1654, $1655, $1656), ($1657, $1658, $1659, $1660), ($1661, $1662, $1663, $1664), ($1665, $1666, $1667, $1668), ($1669, $1670, $1671, $1672), ($1673, $1674, $1675, $1676), ($1677, $1678, $1679, $1680), ($1681, $1682, $1683, $1684), ($1685, $1686, $1687, $1688), ($1689, $1690, $1691, $1692), ($1693, $1694, $1695, $1696), ($1697, $1698, $1699, $1700), ($1701, $1702, $1703, $1704), ($1705, $1706, $1707, $1708), ($1709, $1710, $1711, $1712), ($1713, $1714, $1715, $1716), ($1717, $1718, $1719, $1720), ($1721, $1722, $1723, $1724), ($1725, $1726, $1727, $1728), ($1729, $1730, $1731, $1732), ($1733, $1734, $1735, $1736), ($1737, $1738, $1739, $1740), ($1741, $1742, $1743, $1744), ($1745, $1746, $1747, $1748), ($1749, $1750, $1751, $1752), ($1753, $1754, $1755, $1756), ($1757, $1758, $1759, $1760), ($1761, $1762, $1763, $1764), ($1765, $1766, $1767, $1768), ($1769, $1770, $1771, $1772), ($1773, $1774, $1775, $1776), ($1777, $1778, $1779, $1780), ($1781, $1782, $1783, $1784), ($1785, $1786, $1787, $1788), ($1789, $1790, $1791, $1792), ($1793, $1794, $1795, $1796), ($1797, $1798, $1799, $1800), ($1801, $1802, $1803, $1804), ($1805, $1806, $1807, $1808), ($1809, $1810, $1811, $1812), ($1813, $1814, $1815, $1816), ($1817, $1818, $1819, $1820), ($1821, $1822, $1823, $1824), ($1825, $1826, $1827, $1828), ($1829, $1830, $1831, $1832), ($1833, $1834, $1835, $1836), ($1837, $1838, $1839, $1840), ($1841, $1842, $1843, $1844), ($1845, $1846, $1847, $1848), ($1849, $1850, $1851, $1852), ($1853, $1854, $1855, $1856), ($1857, $1858, $1859, $1860), ($1861, $1862, $1863, $1864), ($1865, $1866, $1867, $1868), ($1869, $1870, $1871, $1872), ($1873, $1874, $1875, $1876), ($1877, $1878, $1879, $1880), ($1881, $1882, $1883, $1884), ($1885, $1886, $1887, $1888), ($1889, $1890, $1891, $1892), ($1893, $1894, $1895, $1896), ($1897, $1898, $1899, $1900), ($1901, $1902, $1903, $1904), ($1905, $1906, $1907, $1908), ($1909, $1910, $1911, $1912), ($1913, $1914, $1915, $1916), ($1917, $1918, $1919, $1920), ($1921, $1922, $1923, $1924), ($1925, $1926, $1927, $1928), ($1929, $1930, $1931, $1932), ($1933, $1934, $1935, $1936), ($1937, $1938, $1939, $1940), ($1941, $1942, $1943, $1944), ($1945, $1946, $1947, $1948), ($1949, $1950, $1951, $1952), ($1953, $1954, $1955, $1956), ($1957, $1958, $1959, $1960), ($1961, $1962, $1963, $1964), ($1965, $1966, $1967, $1968), ($1969, $1970, $1971, $1972), ($1973, $1974, $1975, $1976), ($1977, $1978, $1979, $1980), ($1981, $1982, $1983, $1984), ($1985, $1986, $1987, $1988), ($1989, $1990, $1991, $1992), ($1993, $1994, $1995, $1996), ($1997, $1998, $1999, $2000), ($2001, $2002, $2003, $2004), ($2005, $2006, $2007, $2008), ($2009, $2010, $2011, $2012), ($2013, $2014, $2015, $2016), ($2017, $2018, $2019, $2020), ($2021, $2022, $2023, $2024), ($2025, $2026, $2027, $2028), ($2029, $2030, $2031, $2032), ($2033, $2034, $2035, $2036), ($2037, $2038, $2039, $2040), ($2041, $2042, $2043, $2044), ($2045, $2046, $2047, $2048), ($2049, $2050, $2051, $2052), ($2053, $2054, $2055, $2056), ($2057, $2058, $2059, $2060), ($2061, $2062, $2063, $2064), ($2065, $2066, $2067, $2068), ($2069, $2070, $2071, $2072), ($2073, $2074, $2075, $2076), ($2077, $2078, $2079, $2080), ($2081, $2082, $2083, $2084), ($2085, $2086, $2087, $2088), ($2089, $2090, $2091, $2092), ($2093, $2094, $2095, $2096), ($2097, $2098, $2099, $2100), ($2101, $2102, $2103, $2104), ($2105, $2106, $2107, $2108), ($2109, $2110, $2111, $2112), ($2113, $2114, $2115, $2116), ($2117, $2118, $2119, $2120), ($2121, $2122, $2123, $2124), ($2125, $2126, $2127, $2128), ($2129, $2130, $2131, $2132), ($2133, $2134, $2135, $2136), ($2137, $2138, $2139, $2140), ($2141, $2142, $2143, $2144), ($2145, $2146, $2147, $2148), ($2149, $2150, $2151, $2152), ($2153, $2154, $2155, $2156), ($2157, $2158, $2159, $2160), ($2161, $2162, $2163, $2164), ($2165, $2166, $2167, $2168), ($2169, $2170, $2171, $2172), ($2173, $2174, $2175, $2176), ($2177, $2178, $2179, $2180), ($2181, $2182, $2183, $2184), ($2185, $2186, $2187, $2188), ($2189, $2190, $2191, $2192), ($2193, $2194, $2195, $2196), ($2197, $2198, $2199, $2200), ($2201, $2202, $2203, $2204), ($2205, $2206, $2207, $2208), ($2209, $2210, $2211, $2212), ($2213, $2214, $2215, $2216), ($2217, $2218, $2219, $2220), ($2221, $2222, $2223, $2224), ($2225, $2226, $2227, $2228), ($2229, $2230, $2231, $2232), ($2233, $2234, $2235, $2236), ($2237, $2238, $2239, $2240), ($2241, $2242, $2243, $2244), ($2245, $2246, $2247, $2248), ($2249, $2250, $2251, $2252), ($2253, $2254, $2255, $2256), ($2257, $2258, $2259, $2260), ($2261, $2262, $2263, $2264), ($2265, $2266, $2267, $2268), ($2269, $2270, $2271, $2272), ($2273, $2274, $2275, $2276), ($2277, $2278, $2279, $2280), ($2281, $2282, $2283, $2284), ($2285, $2286, $2287, $2288), ($2289, $2290, $2291, $2292), ($2293, $2294, $2295, $2296), ($2297, $2298, $2299, $2300), ($2301, $2302, $2303, $2304), ($2305, $2306, $2307, $2308), ($2309, $2310, $2311, $2312), ($2313, $2314, $2315, $2316), ($2317, $2318, $2319, $2320), ($2321, $2322, $2323, $2324), ($2325, $2326, $2327, $2328), ($2329, $2330, $2331, $2332), ($2333, $2334, $2335, $2336), ($2337, $2338, $2339, $2340), ($2341, $2342, $2343, $2344), ($2345, $2346, $2347, $2348), ($2349, $2350, $2351, $2352), ($2353, $2354, $2355, $2356), ($2357, $2358, $2359, $2360), ($2361, $2362, $2363, $2364), ($2365, $2366, $2367, $2368), ($2369, $2370, $2371, $2372), ($2373, $2374, $2375, $2376), ($2377, $2378, $2379, $2380), ($2381, $2382, $2383, $2384), ($2385, $2386, $2387, $2388), ($2389, $2390, $2391, $2392), ($2393, $2394, $2395, $2396), ($2397, $2398, $2399, $2400), ($2401, $2402, $2403, $2404), ($2405, $2406, $2407, $2408), ($2409, $2410, $2411, $2412), ($2413, $2414, $2415, $2416), ($2417, $2418, $2419, $2420), ($2421, $2422, $2423, $2424), ($2425, $2426, $2427, $2428), ($2429, $2430, $2431, $2432), ($2433, $2434, $2435, $2436), ($2437, $2438, $2439, $2440), ($2441, $2442, $2443, $2444), ($2445, $2446, $2447, $2448), ($2449, $2450, $2451, $2452), ($2453, $2454, $2455, $2456), ($2457, $2458, $2459, $2460), ($2461, $2462, $2463, $2464), ($2465, $2466, $2467, $2468), ($2469, $2470, $2471, $2472), ($2473, $2474, $2475, $2476), ($2477, $2478, $2479, $2480), ($2481, $2482, $2483, $2484), ($2485, $2486, $2487, $2488), ($2489, $2490, $2491, $2492), ($2493, $2494, $2495, $2496), ($2497, $2498, $2499, $2500), ($2501, $2502, $2503, $2504), ($2505, $2506, $2507, $2508), ($2509, $2510, $2511, $2512), ($2513, $2514, $2515, $2516), ($2517, $2518, $2519, $2520), ($2521, $2522, $2523, $2524), ($2525, $2526, $2527, $2528), ($2529, $2530, $2531, $2532), ($2533, $2534, $2535, $2536), ($2537, $2538, $2539, $2540), ($2541, $2542, $2543, $2544), ($2545, $2546, $2547, $2548), ($2549, $2550, $2551, $2552), ($2553, $2554, $2555, $2556), ($2557, $2558, $2559, $2560), ($2561, $2562, $2563, $2564), ($2565, $2566, $2567, $2568), ($2569, $2570, $2571, $2572), ($2573, $2574, $2575, $2576), ($2577, $2578, $2579, $2580), ($2581, $2582, $2583, $2584), ($2585, $2586, $2587, $2588), ($2589, $2590, $2591, $2592), ($2593, $2594, $2595, $2596), ($2597, $2598, $2599, $2600), ($2601, $2602, $2603, $2604), ($2605, $2606, $2607, $2608), ($2609, $2610, $2611, $2612), ($2613, $2614, $2615, $2616), ($2617, $2618, $2619, $2620), ($2621, $2622, $2623, $2624), ($2625, $2626, $2627, $2628), ($2629, $2630, $2631, $2632) ON CONFLICT (namespace_id, user_id) DO NOTHING RETURNING id
135 73319.3 ms 1160.4 ms 543.1 ms 109647 SELECT DISTINCT user_id, (
SELECT traversal_ids[$1]
FROM namespaces
WHERE id = members.member_namespace_id
) AS root_namespace_id
FROM members
FROM members
WHERE BETWEEN $2 AND $3 AND >= $4 AND < $5 AND members.user_id IS NOT NULL
)16 7528.5 ms 910.8 ms 470.5 ms 12333 SELECT DISTINCT user_id, (
SELECT traversal_ids[$1]
FROM namespaces
WHERE id = members.member_namespace_id
) AS root_namespace_id
FROM members
FROM members
WHERE BETWEEN $2 AND $3 AND >= $4 AND members.user_id IS NOT NULL
)151 3498.6 ms 247.8 ms 23.2 ms 21534 SELECT namespace_id AS root_namespace_id, user_id
FROM subscription_seat_assignments
WHERE (namespace_id, user_id) IN (VALUES ($1, $2), ($3, $4), ($5, $6), ($7, $8), ($9, $10), ($11, $12), ($13, $14), ($15, $16), ($17, $18), ($19, $20), ($21, $22), ($23, $24), ($25, $26), ($27, $28), ($29, $30), ($31, $32), ($33, $34), ($35, $36), ($37, $38), ($39, $40), ($41, $42), ($43, $44), ($45, $46), ($47, $48), ($49, $50), ($51, $52), ($53, $54), ($55, $56), ($57, $58), ($59, $60), ($61, $62), ($63, $64), ($65, $66), ($67, $68), ($69, $70), ($71, $72), ($73, $74), ($75, $76), ($77, $78), ($79, $80), ($81, $82), ($83, $84), ($85, $86), ($87, $88), ($89, $90), ($91, $92), ($93, $94), ($95, $96), ($97, $98), ($99, $100), ($101, $102), ($103, $104), ($105, $106), ($107, $108), ($109, $110), ($111, $112), ($113, $114), ($115, $116), ($117, $118), ($119, $120), ($121, $122), ($123, $124), ($125, $126), ($127, $128), ($129, $130), ($131, $132), ($133, $134), ($135, $136), ($137, $138), ($139, $140), ($141, $142), ($143, $144), ($145, $146), ($147, $148), ($149, $150), ($151, $152), ($153, $154), ($155, $156), ($157, $158), ($159, $160), ($161, $162), ($163, $164), ($165, $166), ($167, $168), ($169, $170), ($171, $172), ($173, $174), ($175, $176), ($177, $178), ($179, $180), ($181, $182), ($183, $184), ($185, $186), ($187, $188), ($189, $190), ($191, $192), ($193, $194), ($195, $196), ($197, $198), ($199, $200), ($201, $202), ($203, $204), ($205, $206), ($207, $208), ($209, $210), ($211, $212), ($213, $214), ($215, $216), ($217, $218), ($219, $220), ($221, $222), ($223, $224), ($225, $226), ($227, $228), ($229, $230), ($231, $232), ($233, $234), ($235, $236), ($237, $238), ($239, $240), ($241, $242), ($243, $244), ($245, $246), ($247, $248), ($249, $250), ($251, $252), ($253, $254), ($255, $256), ($257, $258), ($259, $260), ($261, $262), ($263, $264), ($265, $266), ($267, $268), ($269, $270), ($271, $272), ($273, $274), ($275, $276), ($277, $278), ($279, $280), ($281, $282), ($283, $284), ($285, $286), ($287, $288), ($289, $290), ($291, $292), ($293, $294), ($295, $296), ($297, $298), ($299, $300), ($301, $302), ($303, $304), ($305, $306), ($307, $308), ($309, $310), ($311, $312), ($313, $314), ($315, $316), ($317, $318), ($319, $320), ($321, $322), ($323, $324), ($325, $326), ($327, $328), ($329, $330), ($331, $332), ($333, $334), ($335, $336), ($337, $338), ($339, $340), ($341, $342), ($343, $344), ($345, $346), ($347, $348), ($349, $350), ($351, $352), ($353, $354), ($355, $356), ($357, $358), ($359, $360), ($361, $362), ($363, $364), ($365, $366), ($367, $368), ($369, $370), ($371, $372), ($373, $374), ($375, $376), ($377, $378), ($379, $380), ($381, $382), ($383, $384), ($385, $386), ($387, $388), ($389, $390), ($391, $392), ($393, $394), ($395, $396), ($397, $398), ($399, $400), ($401, $402), ($403, $404), ($405, $406), ($407, $408), ($409, $410), ($411, $412), ($413, $414), ($415, $416), ($417, $418), ($419, $420), ($421, $422), ($423, $424), ($425, $426), ($427, $428), ($429, $430), ($431, $432), ($433, $434), ($435, $436), ($437, $438), ($439, $440), ($441, $442), ($443, $444), ($445, $446), ($447, $448), ($449, $450), ($451, $452), ($453, $454), ($455, $456), ($457, $458), ($459, $460), ($461, $462), ($463, $464), ($465, $466), ($467, $468), ($469, $470), ($471, $472), ($473, $474), ($475, $476), ($477, $478), ($479, $480), ($481, $482), ($483, $484), ($485, $486), ($487, $488), ($489, $490), ($491, $492), ($493, $494), ($495, $496), ($497, $498), ($499, $500), ($501, $502), ($503, $504), ($505, $506), ($507, $508), ($509, $510), ($511, $512), ($513, $514), ($515, $516), ($517, $518), ($519, $520), ($521, $522), ($523, $524), ($525, $526), ($527, $528), ($529, $530), ($531, $532), ($533, $534), ($535, $536), ($537, $538), ($539, $540), ($541, $542), ($543, $544), ($545, $546), ($547, $548), ($549, $550), ($551, $552), ($553, $554), ($555, $556), ($557, $558), ($559, $560), ($561, $562), ($563, $564), ($565, $566), ($567, $568), ($569, $570), ($571, $572), ($573, $574), ($575, $576), ($577, $578), ($579, $580), ($581, $582), ($583, $584), ($585, $586), ($587, $588), ($589, $590), ($591, $592), ($593, $594), ($595, $596), ($597, $598), ($599, $600), ($601, $602), ($603, $604), ($605, $606), ($607, $608), ($609, $610), ($611, $612), ($613, $614), ($615, $616), ($617, $618), ($619, $620), ($621, $622), ($623, $624), ($625, $626), ($627, $628), ($629, $630), ($631, $632), ($633, $634), ($635, $636), ($637, $638), ($639, $640), ($641, $642), ($643, $644), ($645, $646), ($647, $648), ($649, $650), ($651, $652), ($653, $654), ($655, $656), ($657, $658), ($659, $660), ($661, $662), ($663, $664), ($665, $666), ($667, $668), ($669, $670), ($671, $672), ($673, $674), ($675, $676), ($677, $678), ($679, $680), ($681, $682), ($683, $684), ($685, $686), ($687, $688), ($689, $690), ($691, $692), ($693, $694), ($695, $696), ($697, $698), ($699, $700), ($701, $702), ($703, $704), ($705, $706), ($707, $708), ($709, $710), ($711, $712), ($713, $714), ($715, $716), ($717, $718), ($719, $720), ($721, $722), ($723, $724), ($725, $726), ($727, $728), ($729, $730), ($731, $732), ($733, $734), ($735, $736), ($737, $738), ($739, $740), ($741, $742), ($743, $744), ($745, $746), ($747, $748), ($749, $750), ($751, $752), ($753, $754), ($755, $756), ($757, $758), ($759, $760), ($761, $762), ($763, $764), ($765, $766), ($767, $768), ($769, $770), ($771, $772), ($773, $774), ($775, $776), ($777, $778), ($779, $780), ($781, $782), ($783, $784), ($785, $786), ($787, $788), ($789, $790), ($791, $792), ($793, $794), ($795, $796), ($797, $798), ($799, $800), ($801, $802), ($803, $804), ($805, $806), ($807, $808), ($809, $810), ($811, $812), ($813, $814), ($815, $816), ($817, $818), ($819, $820), ($821, $822), ($823, $824), ($825, $826), ($827, $828), ($829, $830), ($831, $832), ($833, $834), ($835, $836), ($837, $838), ($839, $840), ($841, $842), ($843, $844), ($845, $846), ($847, $848), ($849, $850), ($851, $852), ($853, $854), ($855, $856), ($857, $858), ($859, $860), ($861, $862), ($863, $864), ($865, $866), ($867, $868), ($869, $870), ($871, $872), ($873, $874), ($875, $876), ($877, $878), ($879, $880), ($881, $882), ($883, $884), ($885, $886), ($887, $888), ($889, $890), ($891, $892), ($893, $894), ($895, $896), ($897, $898), ($899, $900), ($901, $902), ($903, $904), ($905, $906), ($907, $908), ($909, $910), ($911, $912), ($913, $914), ($915, $916), ($917, $918), ($919, $920), ($921, $922), ($923, $924), ($925, $926), ($927, $928), ($929, $930), ($931, $932), ($933, $934), ($935, $936), ($937, $938), ($939, $940), ($941, $942), ($943, $944), ($945, $946), ($947, $948), ($949, $950), ($951, $952), ($953, $954), ($955, $956), ($957, $958), ($959, $960), ($961, $962), ($963, $964), ($965, $966), ($967, $968), ($969, $970), ($971, $972), ($973, $974), ($975, $976), ($977, $978), ($979, $980), ($981, $982), ($983, $984), ($985, $986), ($987, $988), ($989, $990), ($991, $992), ($993, $994), ($995, $996), ($997, $998), ($999, $1000), ($1001, $1002), ($1003, $1004), ($1005, $1006), ($1007, $1008), ($1009, $1010), ($1011, $1012), ($1013, $1014), ($1015, $1016), ($1017, $1018), ($1019, $1020), ($1021, $1022), ($1023, $1024), ($1025, $1026), ($1027, $1028), ($1029, $1030), ($1031, $1032), ($1033, $1034), ($1035, $1036), ($1037, $1038), ($1039, $1040), ($1041, $1042), ($1043, $1044), ($1045, $1046), ($1047, $1048), ($1049, $1050), ($1051, $1052), ($1053, $1054), ($1055, $1056), ($1057, $1058), ($1059, $1060), ($1061, $1062), ($1063, $1064), ($1065, $1066), ($1067, $1068), ($1069, $1070), ($1071, $1072), ($1073, $1074), ($1075, $1076), ($1077, $1078), ($1079, $1080), ($1081, $1082), ($1083, $1084), ($1085, $1086), ($1087, $1088), ($1089, $1090), ($1091, $1092), ($1093, $1094), ($1095, $1096), ($1097, $1098), ($1099, $1100), ($1101, $1102), ($1103, $1104), ($1105, $1106), ($1107, $1108), ($1109, $1110), ($1111, $1112), ($1113, $1114), ($1115, $1116), ($1117, $1118), ($1119, $1120), ($1121, $1122), ($1123, $1124), ($1125, $1126), ($1127, $1128), ($1129, $1130), ($1131, $1132), ($1133, $1134), ($1135, $1136), ($1137, $1138), ($1139, $1140), ($1141, $1142), ($1143, $1144), ($1145, $1146), ($1147, $1148), ($1149, $1150), ($1151, $1152), ($1153, $1154), ($1155, $1156), ($1157, $1158), ($1159, $1160), ($1161, $1162), ($1163, $1164), ($1165, $1166), ($1167, $1168), ($1169, $1170), ($1171, $1172), ($1173, $1174), ($1175, $1176), ($1177, $1178), ($1179, $1180), ($1181, $1182), ($1183, $1184), ($1185, $1186), ($1187, $1188), ($1189, $1190), ($1191, $1192), ($1193, $1194), ($1195, $1196), ($1197, $1198), ($1199, $1200), ($1201, $1202), ($1203, $1204), ($1205, $1206), ($1207, $1208), ($1209, $1210), ($1211, $1212), ($1213, $1214), ($1215, $1216), ($1217, $1218), ($1219, $1220), ($1221, $1222), ($1223, $1224), ($1225, $1226), ($1227, $1228), ($1229, $1230), ($1231, $1232), ($1233, $1234), ($1235, $1236), ($1237, $1238), ($1239, $1240), ($1241, $1242), ($1243, $1244), ($1245, $1246), ($1247, $1248), ($1249, $1250), ($1251, $1252), ($1253, $1254), ($1255, $1256), ($1257, $1258), ($1259, $1260), ($1261, $1262), ($1263, $1264), ($1265, $1266), ($1267, $1268), ($1269, $1270), ($1271, $1272), ($1273, $1274), ($1275, $1276), ($1277, $1278), ($1279, $1280), ($1281, $1282), ($1283, $1284), ($1285, $1286), ($1287, $1288), ($1289, $1290), ($1291, $1292), ($1293, $1294), ($1295, $1296), ($1297, $1298), ($1299, $1300), ($1301, $1302), ($1303, $1304), ($1305, $1306), ($1307, $1308), ($1309, $1310), ($1311, $1312), ($1313, $1314), ($1315, $1316), ($1317, $1318), ($1319, $1320), ($1321, $1322), ($1323, $1324), ($1325, $1326), ($1327, $1328), ($1329, $1330), ($1331, $1332), ($1333, $1334), ($1335, $1336), ($1337, $1338), ($1339, $1340), ($1341, $1342), ($1343, $1344), ($1345, $1346), ($1347, $1348), ($1349, $1350), ($1351, $1352), ($1353, $1354), ($1355, $1356), ($1357, $1358), ($1359, $1360), ($1361, $1362), ($1363, $1364), ($1365, $1366), ($1367, $1368), ($1369, $1370), ($1371, $1372), ($1373, $1374), ($1375, $1376), ($1377, $1378), ($1379, $1380), ($1381, $1382), ($1383, $1384), ($1385, $1386), ($1387, $1388), ($1389, $1390), ($1391, $1392), ($1393, $1394), ($1395, $1396), ($1397, $1398), ($1399, $1400), ($1401, $1402), ($1403, $1404), ($1405, $1406), ($1407, $1408), ($1409, $1410), ($1411, $1412), ($1413, $1414), ($1415, $1416), ($1417, $1418), ($1419, $1420), ($1421, $1422), ($1423, $1424), ($1425, $1426), ($1427, $1428), ($1429, $1430), ($1431, $1432), ($1433, $1434), ($1435, $1436), ($1437, $1438), ($1439, $1440), ($1441, $1442), ($1443, $1444), ($1445, $1446), ($1447, $1448), ($1449, $1450), ($1451, $1452), ($1453, $1454), ($1455, $1456), ($1457, $1458), ($1459, $1460), ($1461, $1462), ($1463, $1464), ($1465, $1466), ($1467, $1468), ($1469, $1470), ($1471, $1472), ($1473, $1474), ($1475, $1476), ($1477, $1478), ($1479, $1480), ($1481, $1482), ($1483, $1484), ($1485, $1486), ($1487, $1488), ($1489, $1490), ($1491, $1492), ($1493, $1494), ($1495, $1496), ($1497, $1498), ($1499, $1500), ($1501, $1502), ($1503, $1504), ($1505, $1506), ($1507, $1508), ($1509, $1510), ($1511, $1512), ($1513, $1514), ($1515, $1516), ($1517, $1518), ($1519, $1520), ($1521, $1522), ($1523, $1524), ($1525, $1526), ($1527, $1528), ($1529, $1530), ($1531, $1532), ($1533, $1534), ($1535, $1536), ($1537, $1538), ($1539, $1540), ($1541, $1542), ($1543, $1544), ($1545, $1546), ($1547, $1548), ($1549, $1550), ($1551, $1552), ($1553, $1554), ($1555, $1556), ($1557, $1558), ($1559, $1560), ($1561, $1562), ($1563, $1564), ($1565, $1566), ($1567, $1568), ($1569, $1570), ($1571, $1572), ($1573, $1574), ($1575, $1576), ($1577, $1578), ($1579, $1580), ($1581, $1582), ($1583, $1584), ($1585, $1586), ($1587, $1588), ($1589, $1590), ($1591, $1592), ($1593, $1594), ($1595, $1596), ($1597, $1598), ($1599, $1600), ($1601, $1602), ($1603, $1604), ($1605, $1606), ($1607, $1608), ($1609, $1610), ($1611, $1612))151 45.5 ms 2.3 ms 0.3 ms 135 SELECT
FROM members
OFFSET $532 4.8 ms 0.7 ms 0.1 ms 32 INSERT INTO batched_background_migration_job_transition_logs (batched_background_migration_job_id, created_at, updated_at, previous_status, next_status) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING id
16 1.8 ms 0.2 ms 0.1 ms 16 UPDATE batched_background_migration_jobs
SET updated_at = $1, started_at = $2, status = $3, attempts = $4
WHERE = $516 1.9 ms 0.1 ms 0.1 ms 16 UPDATE batched_background_migration_jobs
SET updated_at = $1, finished_at = $2, status = $3, metrics = $4
WHERE = $516 0.7 ms 0.1 ms 0.0 ms 16 SELECT sum(batched_background_migration_jobs.batch_size)
FROM batched_background_migration_jobs
WHERE batched_background_migration_jobs.batched_background_migration_id = $1 AND batched_background_migration_jobs.status IN ($2)32 1.2 ms 0.1 ms 0.0 ms 32 SELECT batched_background_migration_jobs.*
FROM batched_background_migration_jobs
WHERE = $1
LIMIT $216 0.6 ms 0.1 ms 0.0 ms 16 SELECT
FROM members
LIMIT $3Histogram of batch runtimes for BackfillSeatAssignmentsTable
Batch Runtime Count 0 seconds - 10 seconds 1 10 seconds - 1 minute 15 1 minute - 2 minutes 0 2 minutes - 3 minutes 0 3 minutes - 5 minutes 0 5 minutes + 0 Histogram across all sampled batches of BackfillSeatAssignmentsTable
Query Runtime Count 0 seconds - 0.1 seconds 0 0.1 seconds - 0.5 seconds 476 0.5 seconds - 1 second 105 1 second - 2 seconds 149 2 seconds - 5 seconds 2 5 seconds + 0 Background Migration: BackfillIssuableSeveritiesNamespaceId
Sampled 67 batches. Estimated Time to complete: 6 hours and 34 minutes
- Interval: 120s
- Max batch size: 0
- Estimated seconds to complete: 23640s
- Average batch time: 5.01s
- Batch size: 1000
- N. of batches sampled: 67
- N. of failed batches: 0
Time estimation is conservative and based on sampling production data in a test environment. It represents the max time that migration could take. The actual time may differ from this estimation.
Consider changing max_batch_size and interval if this estimate is unacceptable.
Calls Total Time Max Time Mean Time Rows Query 594 8180.5 ms 348.3 ms 13.8 ms 9000 UPDATE issuable_severities
SET namespace_id = issues.namespace_id
FROM issues
WHERE = issuable_severities.issue_id AND IN (
FROM issuable_severities
WHERE BETWEEN $1 AND $2 AND >= $3 AND < $4 AND issuable_severities.namespace_id IS NULL
)67 863.2 ms 144.6 ms 12.9 ms 1002 UPDATE issuable_severities
SET namespace_id = issues.namespace_id
FROM issues
WHERE = issuable_severities.issue_id AND IN (
FROM issuable_severities
WHERE BETWEEN $1 AND $2 AND >= $3 AND issuable_severities.namespace_id IS NULL
)67 38.2 ms 2.7 ms 0.6 ms 67 UPDATE batched_background_migration_jobs
SET updated_at = $1, finished_at = $2, status = $3, metrics = $4
WHERE = $567 18.3 ms 1.5 ms 0.3 ms 67 UPDATE batched_background_migration_jobs
SET updated_at = $1, started_at = $2, status = $3, attempts = $4
WHERE = $5134 17.8 ms 0.7 ms 0.1 ms 134 INSERT INTO batched_background_migration_job_transition_logs (batched_background_migration_job_id, created_at, updated_at, previous_status, next_status) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING id
661 94.4 ms 0.3 ms 0.1 ms 594 SELECT
FROM issuable_severities
OFFSET $567 6.1 ms 0.1 ms 0.1 ms 67 SELECT sum(batched_background_migration_jobs.batch_size)
FROM batched_background_migration_jobs
WHERE batched_background_migration_jobs.batched_background_migration_id = $1 AND batched_background_migration_jobs.status IN ($2)134 5.6 ms 0.1 ms 0.0 ms 134 SELECT batched_background_migration_jobs.*
FROM batched_background_migration_jobs
WHERE = $1
LIMIT $267 2.3 ms 0.1 ms 0.0 ms 67 SELECT
FROM issuable_severities
LIMIT $3Histogram of batch runtimes for BackfillIssuableSeveritiesNamespaceId
Batch Runtime Count 0 seconds - 10 seconds 67 10 seconds - 1 minute 0 1 minute - 2 minutes 0 2 minutes - 3 minutes 0 3 minutes - 5 minutes 0 5 minutes + 0 Histogram across all sampled batches of BackfillIssuableSeveritiesNamespaceId
Query Runtime Count 0 seconds - 0.1 seconds 0 0.1 seconds - 0.5 seconds 1857 0.5 seconds - 1 second 1 1 second - 2 seconds 0 2 seconds - 5 seconds 0 5 seconds + 0 Background Migration: BackfillDetectedAtFromCreatedAtColumn
Sampled 54 batches. Estimated Time to complete: 5 months, 2 weeks, 2 days, 23 hours, 38 minutes, and 30 seconds
- Interval: 120s
- Max batch size: 0
- Estimated seconds to complete: 14616240s
- Average batch time: 6.45s
- Batch size: 1000
- N. of batches sampled: 54
- N. of failed batches: 0
Time estimation is conservative and based on sampling production data in a test environment. It represents the max time that migration could take. The actual time may differ from this estimation.
Consider changing max_batch_size and interval if this estimate is unacceptable.
Calls Total Time Max Time Mean Time Rows Query 477 56729.9 ms 638.0 ms 118.9 ms 39379 UPDATE vulnerabilities
SET detected_at = created_at
WHERE BETWEEN $1 AND $2 AND >= $3 AND < $4 AND vulnerabilities.detected_at IS NULL54 5060.7 ms 309.3 ms 93.7 ms 4365 UPDATE vulnerabilities
SET detected_at = created_at
WHERE BETWEEN $1 AND $2 AND >= $3 AND vulnerabilities.detected_at IS NULL108 21.2 ms 5.7 ms 0.2 ms 108 INSERT INTO batched_background_migration_job_transition_logs (batched_background_migration_job_id, created_at, updated_at, previous_status, next_status) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING id
54 8.0 ms 1.2 ms 0.1 ms 54 UPDATE batched_background_migration_jobs
SET updated_at = $1, finished_at = $2, status = $3, metrics = $4
WHERE = $554 7.8 ms 0.9 ms 0.1 ms 54 UPDATE batched_background_migration_jobs
SET updated_at = $1, started_at = $2, status = $3, attempts = $4
WHERE = $5531 44.0 ms 0.2 ms 0.1 ms 477 SELECT
FROM vulnerabilities
OFFSET $554 2.6 ms 0.1 ms 0.0 ms 54 SELECT sum(batched_background_migration_jobs.batch_size)
FROM batched_background_migration_jobs
WHERE batched_background_migration_jobs.batched_background_migration_id = $1 AND batched_background_migration_jobs.status IN ($2)108 4.3 ms 0.1 ms 0.0 ms 108 SELECT batched_background_migration_jobs.*
FROM batched_background_migration_jobs
WHERE = $1
LIMIT $254 2.1 ms 0.1 ms 0.0 ms 54 SELECT
FROM vulnerabilities
LIMIT $3Histogram of batch runtimes for BackfillDetectedAtFromCreatedAtColumn
Batch Runtime Count 0 seconds - 10 seconds 54 10 seconds - 1 minute 0 1 minute - 2 minutes 0 2 minutes - 3 minutes 0 3 minutes - 5 minutes 0 5 minutes + 0 Histogram across all sampled batches of BackfillDetectedAtFromCreatedAtColumn
Query Runtime Count 0 seconds - 0.1 seconds 0 0.1 seconds - 0.5 seconds 1485 0.5 seconds - 1 second 9 1 second - 2 seconds 0 2 seconds - 5 seconds 0 5 seconds + 0 Other migrations pending on
Migration Type Total runtime Result DB size change 20241125145005 - AddNamespaceIdToIssuableSeverities Regular 5.7 s +0.00 B 20241127092714 - CreateContainerRegistryProtectionTagRules Regular 5.1 s +40.00 KiB 20241021063020 - QueueBackfillDetectedAtFromCreatedAtColumn Post deploy 5.8 s +0.00 B 20241108133603 - QueueBackfillSeatAssignmentsTable Post deploy 5.5 s +0.00 B 20241115121337 - AddIndexOnProjectSettingsForOldPipelines Post deploy 48.4 s +8.00 KiB [note] 20241119085925 - RemoveNamespaceLimitsTemporaryStorageIncreaseEndsOnColumn Post deploy 4.9 s +0.00 B 20241120134610 - SetNamespacesOrganizationIdNotNull Post deploy 5.4 s +0.00 B 20241121115756 - PrepareNamespacesOrganizationIdNotNullValidation Post deploy 5.5 s +8.00 KiB [note] 20241122031025 - ChangeOrganizationIdDefaultOauth Post deploy 5.5 s +0.00 B 20241125072626 - FinalizeBackfillVulnerabilityFindingsRemediationsProjectId Post deploy 5.4 s +0.00 B 20241125085625 - AddFkBetweenCiBuildsAndCiPipelines Post deploy 7.9 s +0.00 B 20241125145006 - IndexIssuableSeveritiesOnNamespaceId Post deploy 5.7 s +1.32 MiB 20241125145007 - AddIssuableSeveritiesNamespaceIdFk Post deploy 5.7 s +8.00 KiB [note] 20241125145008 - AddIssuableSeveritiesNamespaceIdTrigger Post deploy 4.9 s +0.00 B 20241125145009 - QueueBackfillIssuableSeveritiesNamespaceId Post deploy 5.4 s +0.00 B 20241125232348 - FinalizeDisableAllowRunnerRegistrationOnNamespaceSettingsForGitlabCom Post deploy 5.2 s +0.00 B 20241127140830 - AddDomainIdxToAlertManagementAlerts Post deploy 80.1 s +116.95 MiB 20241128071834 - RemovePushTablesForcePushDeleteBranchRegex Post deploy 5.0 s +0.00 B 20241128102335 - AsyncValidationForCiPipelinesFks Post deploy 9.1 s +0.00 B 20241128102925 - RemoveBrokenFkBetweenCiPipelinesBuildConfigs Post deploy 5.4 s +0.00 B 20241129104415 - CreateSubscriptionsIndexOnNoteableSynchronously Post deploy 5.3 s +0.00 B 20241129104531 - CreateSentNotificationsIndexOnNoteableSynchronously Post deploy 5.2 s +0.00 B 20241129110758 - DropSentNotificationsIndexOnNoteableId Post deploy 5.7 s -15.15 GiB Clone details
Clone ID Clone Created At Clone Data Timestamp Expected Removal Time database-testing-3944299-16267637-main
2024-12-02T14:43:36Z 2024-12-02T07:56:50Z 2024-12-03 03:32:20 +0000 database-testing-3944299-16267637-ci
2024-12-02T14:43:39Z 2024-12-02T12:45:11Z 2024-12-03 03:32:20 +0000 Database migrations (on the ci database)
Migrations included in this change have been executed on data for testing purposes. For details, please see the migration testing pipeline (limited access).
Migration Type Total runtime Result DB size change 20241202142250 - AddNamespaceIdToResourceWeightEvents Regular 7.2 s +0.00 B 20241202142251 - IndexResourceWeightEventsOnNamespaceId Post deploy 8.0 s +8.00 KiB [note] 20241202142252 - AddResourceWeightEventsNamespaceIdFk Post deploy 7.9 s +8.00 KiB [note] 20241202142253 - AddResourceWeightEventsNamespaceIdTrigger Post deploy 7.2 s +0.00 B 20241202142254 - QueueBackfillResourceWeightEventsNamespaceId Post deploy 6.9 s +0.00 B Runtime Histogram for all migrations
Query Runtime Count 0 seconds - 0.01 seconds 0 0.01 seconds - 0.1 seconds 0 0.1 seconds - 1 second 20 1 second - 5 seconds 0 5 seconds - 15 seconds 0 15 seconds - 5 minutes 0 5 minutes + 0 Migration: 20241202142250 - AddNamespaceIdToResourceWeightEvents
* Duration: 7.2 s
* Database size change: +0.00 BCalls Total Time Max Time Mean Time Rows Query 1 5.2 ms 5.2 ms 5.2 ms 0 ALTER TABLE "resource_weight_events" ADD "namespace_id" bigint
2 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 2 SELECT pg_backend_pid()
Histogram for AddNamespaceIdToResourceWeightEvents
Query Runtime Count 0 seconds - 0.01 seconds 0 0.01 seconds - 0.1 seconds 0 0.1 seconds - 1 second 3 1 second - 5 seconds 0 5 seconds - 15 seconds 0 15 seconds - 5 minutes 0 5 minutes + 0 Migration: 20241202142251 - IndexResourceWeightEventsOnNamespaceId
* Duration: 8.0 s
* Database size change: +8.00 KiB [note]Calls Total Time Max Time Mean Time Rows Query 1 4.7 ms 4.7 ms 4.7 ms 0 CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY "index_resource_weight_events_on_namespace_id" ON "resource_weight_events" ("namespace_id")
2 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 2 SELECT pg_backend_pid()
Histogram for IndexResourceWeightEventsOnNamespaceId
Query Runtime Count 0 seconds - 0.01 seconds 0 0.01 seconds - 0.1 seconds 0 0.1 seconds - 1 second 3 1 second - 5 seconds 0 5 seconds - 15 seconds 0 15 seconds - 5 minutes 0 5 minutes + 0 Migration: 20241202142252 - AddResourceWeightEventsNamespaceIdFk
* Duration: 7.9 s
* Database size change: +8.00 KiB [note]Calls Total Time Max Time Mean Time Rows Query 1 1.8 ms 1.8 ms 1.8 ms 0 ALTER TABLE resource_weight_events ADD CONSTRAINT fk_97c7849ca4 FOREIGN KEY (namespace_id) REFERENCES namespaces (id) ON DELETE CASCADE NOT VALID
1 1.8 ms 1.8 ms 1.8 ms 0 ALTER TABLE resource_weight_events VALIDATE CONSTRAINT fk_97c7849ca4
1 1.2 ms 1.2 ms 1.2 ms 0 SELECT $1 AS one
FROM "postgres_foreign_keys" WHERE "postgres_foreign_keys"."constrained_table_name" = $2 AND "postgres_foreign_keys"."referenced_table_name" = $3 AND "postgres_foreign_keys"."name" = $4 AND "postgres_foreign_keys"."constrained_columns" = $5 AND "postgres_foreign_keys"."referenced_columns" = $6 AND "postgres_foreign_keys"."on_delete_action" = $7
LIMIT $82 0.4 ms 0.2 ms 0.2 ms 0 SELECT "postgres_partitioned_tables".*
FROM "postgres_partitioned_tables" WHERE (identifier = concat(current_schema(), $1, $2))
LIMIT $32 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 2 SELECT pg_backend_pid()
Histogram for AddResourceWeightEventsNamespaceIdFk
Query Runtime Count 0 seconds - 0.01 seconds 0 0.01 seconds - 0.1 seconds 0 0.1 seconds - 1 second 7 1 second - 5 seconds 0 5 seconds - 15 seconds 0 15 seconds - 5 minutes 0 5 minutes + 0 Migration: 20241202142253 - AddResourceWeightEventsNamespaceIdTrigger
* Duration: 7.2 s
* Database size change: +0.00 BCalls Total Time Max Time Mean Time Rows Query 1 0.3 ms 0.3 ms 0.3 ms 0 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trigger_e4a6cde57b42() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $1 LANGUAGE PLPGSQL
1 0.2 ms 0.2 ms 0.2 ms 0 CREATE TRIGGER trigger_e4a6cde57b42 BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON "resource_weight_events" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION trigger_e4a6cde57b42()
1 0.1 ms 0.1 ms 0.1 ms 0 DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_e4a6cde57b42 ON "resource_weight_events"
2 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 2 SELECT pg_backend_pid()
Histogram for AddResourceWeightEventsNamespaceIdTrigger
Query Runtime Count 0 seconds - 0.01 seconds 0 0.01 seconds - 0.1 seconds 0 0.1 seconds - 1 second 5 1 second - 5 seconds 0 5 seconds - 15 seconds 0 15 seconds - 5 minutes 0 5 minutes + 0 Migration: 20241202142254 - QueueBackfillResourceWeightEventsNamespaceId
* Duration: 6.9 s
* Database size change: +0.00 BCalls Total Time Max Time Mean Time Rows Query 2 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 0.0 ms 2 SELECT pg_backend_pid()
Histogram for QueueBackfillResourceWeightEventsNamespaceId
Query Runtime Count 0 seconds - 0.01 seconds 0 0.01 seconds - 0.1 seconds 0 0.1 seconds - 1 second 2 1 second - 5 seconds 0 5 seconds - 15 seconds 0 15 seconds - 5 minutes 0 5 minutes + 0 Other information
Other migrations pending on
Migration Type Total runtime Result DB size change 20241125145005 - AddNamespaceIdToIssuableSeverities Regular 7.9 s +0.00 B 20241125145006 - IndexIssuableSeveritiesOnNamespaceId Post deploy 8.7 s +8.00 KiB [note] 20241125145007 - AddIssuableSeveritiesNamespaceIdFk Post deploy 10.4 s +0.00 B 20241125145008 - AddIssuableSeveritiesNamespaceIdTrigger Post deploy 7.9 s +0.00 B 20241125145009 - QueueBackfillIssuableSeveritiesNamespaceId Post deploy 8.0 s +0.00 B 20241128071834 - RemovePushTablesForcePushDeleteBranchRegex Post deploy 7.1 s +0.00 B 20241129104415 - CreateSubscriptionsIndexOnNoteableSynchronously Post deploy 7.6 s +0.00 B 20241129104531 - CreateSentNotificationsIndexOnNoteableSynchronously Post deploy 7.7 s +0.00 B 20241129110758 - DropSentNotificationsIndexOnNoteableId Post deploy 7.9 s -8.00 KiB Clone details
Clone ID Clone Created At Clone Data Timestamp Expected Removal Time database-testing-3944299-16267637-main
2024-12-02T14:43:36Z 2024-12-02T07:56:50Z 2024-12-03 03:32:20 +0000 database-testing-3944299-16267637-ci
2024-12-02T14:43:39Z 2024-12-02T12:45:11Z 2024-12-03 03:32:20 +0000
Brought to you by gitlab-org/database-team/gitlab-com-database-testing. Epic
Edited by ****added database-testing-automation label
requested review from @OmarQunsulGitlab
- Resolved by Omar Qunsul
@OmarQunsulGitlab Can you review this?
- Resolved by Shubham Kumar
added 107 commits
5631212d...d0247f98 - 104 commits from branch
- 37f65af2 - Add and backfill namespace_id for resource_weight_events
- 4f39ec0a - Fix db schema
- fa07c539 - Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
Toggle commit list-
5631212d...d0247f98 - 104 commits from branch
added 101 commits
fa07c539...b27aba5a - 98 commits from branch
- 907aeb77 - Add and backfill namespace_id for resource_weight_events
- 4849a8b3 - Fix db schema
- 5a6fa093 - Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
Toggle commit list-
fa07c539...b27aba5a - 98 commits from branch
added 342 commits
5a6fa093...0ecf3c10 - 339 commits from branch
- 2854235e - Add and backfill namespace_id for resource_weight_events
- a759b38b - Fix db schema
- b461a85c - Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
Toggle commit list-
5a6fa093...0ecf3c10 - 339 commits from branch
added 110 commits
ae5d357a...1074bb66 - 106 commits from branch
- a3cc2ad5 - Add and backfill namespace_id for resource_weight_events
- b0eadd1d - Fix db schema
- eecd9b00 - Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
- f3c6a3b6 - Fix schema conflict
Toggle commit list-
ae5d357a...1074bb66 - 106 commits from branch
added databaseapproved label and removed databasereview pending label
added pipeline:mr-approved label
added pipelinetier-3 pipeline:run-e2e-omnibus-once labels
E2E Test Result Summary
generated test report!e2e-test-on-gdk:
test report for 736beae1expand test summary
+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | suites summary | +-------------+--------+--------+---------+-------+-------+--------+ | | passed | failed | skipped | flaky | total | result | +-------------+--------+--------+---------+-------+-------+--------+ | Verify | 43 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 45 | ✅ | | Govern | 75 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 78 | ✅ | | Create | 129 | 0 | 22 | 0 | 151 | ✅ | | Plan | 76 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 76 | ✅ | | Ai-powered | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | ➖ | | Data Stores | 33 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 34 | ✅ | | Release | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | ✅ | | Secure | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | ✅ | | Package | 25 | 0 | 11 | 0 | 36 | ✅ | | Analytics | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | ✅ | | Monitor | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | ✅ | | Fulfillment | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | ✅ | | Manage | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | ✅ | +-------------+--------+--------+---------+-------+-------+--------+ | Total | 403 | 0 | 41 | 0 | 444 | ✅ | +-------------+--------+--------+---------+-------+-------+--------+
test report for 736beae1expand test summary
+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | suites summary | +-------------+--------+--------+---------+-------+-------+--------+ | | passed | failed | skipped | flaky | total | result | +-------------+--------+--------+---------+-------+-------+--------+ | Ai-powered | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | ➖ | | Create | 140 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 160 | ✅ | | Govern | 84 | 0 | 9 | 1 | 93 | ✅ | | Data Stores | 33 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 43 | ✅ | | Package | 24 | 0 | 14 | 0 | 38 | ✅ | | Verify | 49 | 0 | 16 | 0 | 65 | ✅ | | Plan | 86 | 0 | 8 | 0 | 94 | ✅ | | Release | 5 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 6 | ✅ | | Monitor | 8 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 20 | ✅ | | Configure | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 3 | ➖ | | Secure | 2 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 7 | ✅ | | Manage | 1 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 10 | ✅ | | Growth | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | ➖ | | Fulfillment | 2 | 0 | 7 | 1 | 9 | ✅ | | ModelOps | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | ➖ | | Analytics | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | ✅ | +-------------+--------+--------+---------+-------+-------+--------+ | Total | 436 | 0 | 119 | 3 | 555 | ✅ | +-------------+--------+--------+---------+-------+-------+--------+
started a merge train
Hello @shubhamkrai
The database team is looking for ways to improve the database review process and we would love your help!
If you'd be open to someone on the database team reaching out to you for a chat, or if you'd like to leave some feedback asynchronously, just post a reply to this comment mentioning:
And someone will be by shortly!
Thanks for your help!
This message was generated automatically. Improve it or delete it.
mentioned in commit 2f00de3e
added Data WarehouseNot Impacted label and removed Data WarehouseImpact Check label
added workflowstaging-canary label
added workflowcanary label and removed workflowstaging-canary label
added workflowstaging label and removed workflowcanary label
added workflowproduction label and removed workflowstaging label
added workflowpost-deploy-db-staging label and removed workflowproduction label
added workflowpost-deploy-db-production label and removed workflowpost-deploy-db-staging label
added releasedcandidate label
added releasedpublished label and removed releasedcandidate label
mentioned in issue #493768