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Update Namespace.actual_repository_size_limit

What does this MR do and why?

In this MR we're introducing plan_limits.repository_size as part of Namespace.actual_repository_size_limit so that we can achieve our main goal in

The hierarchy is as follows: projects.repository_size_limit > namespaces.repository_size_limit > plan_limits.repository_size > application_settings.repository_size_limit


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Screenshots or screen recordings

Instance level repository_size_limit

Ultimate Group Free Group
instance_repository_size_limit_ultimate instance_repository_size_limit_free

Plan level repository_size_limit

Here, the Ultimate plan has a 500GiB repository_size_limit limit

Ultimate Group Free Group
plan_repository_size_limit_ultimate instance_repository_size_limit_free

Group level repository_size_limit

Here we only show the Free plan group where before they'd have the 10GiB instance limit and after we had overridden the instance limit with a bigger one, only for their group

Free Group before Free Group after
instance_repository_size_limit_free group_repository_size_limit_free

How to set up and validate locally

For this change we'll test repository_size_limit in 3 levels: Instance, Plan, Group:

  • For all levels you'll need to:
    1. Simulate SaaS and have at least one group with the Ultimate Plan (watch the video for visual instructions)
    2. Enable this setting in rails console: Gitlab::CurrentSettings.update!(automatic_purchased_storage_allocation: true)
    3. Make note of your Group with Ultimate plan and have another Free plan group for comparison
  1. Instance: This one is how it works for most groups in
    1. Gitlab::CurrentSettings.update!(repository_size_limit: 10.gigabytes)
    2. Now go to your Group Usage Quotas Page, choose the storage tab: https://gdk.test:3443/groups/<your-group>/-/usage_quotas#storage-quota-tab
    3. Make sure sure you see the 10GiB limit in the UI, like in the screenshots
    4. Alternatively you can check in rails console: Group.find(<group-id>).actual_repository_size_limit
  2. Plan: This is the new logic being added in this MR
    1. Plan.find_by_name('ultimate').actual_limits.update!(repository_size: 500.gigabytes)
    2. Feature.enable(:plan_limits_repository_size)
    3. rails cache:clear
    4. Now go to Usage Quotas Page and compare both groups and what limit they have
    5. Alternatively you can check in rails console: Group.find(<group-id>).actual_repository_size_limit
  3. Group: This is also currently in production, we're only asserting no regression here, like in the instance case
    1. Group.find(<group-id>).update(repository_size_limit: 25.gigabytes)
    2. rails cache:clear
    3. Now go to Usage Quotas Page and compare both groups and what limit they have
    4. Alternatively you can check in rails console: Group.find(<group-id>).actual_repository_size_limit
Edited by Sheldon Led

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