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Add GraphQL PMG to MR widget

Briley Sandlin requested to merge bs-plugin-mr-widget-pmg into master

What does this MR do and why?

This is the first task for #419725

We are adding the GraphQL version of the pipeline mini graph to the MR widget in anticipation of the full migration coming up.

Screenshots or screen recordings


How to set up and validate locally


  • An enabled feature flag: Feature.enable(:ci_graphql_pipeline_mini_graph)
  • A working runner


  1. Navigate to a project (this example uses the flightjs group)
  2. Navigate to the Pipeline Editor (Build > Pipeline editor)
  3. Update the gitlab-ci.yml and enter a new branch name. Check the "start a new merge request with these changes" boxes
  4. Create a merge request
  5. You should see the graphql pipeline mini graph widget on the merge request page

Merge request reports
