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Draft: Fix single note import bug

Jessie Young requested to merge jy-bulk-import-docs-debug into master

What does this MR do and why?

  • Previously, we had an issue whose notes were not imorting properly:
  • The "changed description" note was not being imported when this project was imported via Direct Transfer. Other issues with the same comment were being imported, so it wasn't clear why this one was being skipped.
  • Using binding.pry_shell, I inspected the import logic when it got to lib/gitlab/import_export/base/relation_object_saver.rb and called the save_sublreations method.
  • In that method, the note object was there. But it was not being persisted because subrelation.size was equal to 1
  • Looking at when this MIN_RECORDS_SIZE constant was added: !79963 (merged), it seems that it was later changed with the intention of allowing collections with 1 object: !94311 (merged)
  • But the logic actually required collections with MORE than 1 object, so 2 were required. Which means that collections with 1 object failed to import.
  • Fixes #417122 (closed)

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