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Add actions to organization projects list

What does this MR do and why?

Related to #409030 (closed)

The grouptenant scale team is starting to build out an Organization MVC. For more information about what an "Organization" will be see

This MR continues to build the Groups and projects page by adding edit and delete actions to the project view.

What is implemented in this MR

  • Add actions dropdown with edit and delete actions
  • Show confirmation modal when clicking delete action

What will be implemented in future MRs

Screenshots or screen recordings


Closed Open Delete confirmation modal
Screenshot_2023-08-07_at_8.12.39_AM Screenshot_2023-08-07_at_8.12.53_AM Screenshot_2023-08-07_at_8.14.29_AM


Closed Open Delete confirmation modal
Screenshot_2023-08-07_at_8.13.37_AM Screenshot_2023-08-07_at_8.13.51_AM Screenshot_2023-08-07_at_8.14.05_AM

How to set up and validate locally

  1. Open Rails console
    • bin/rails console
  2. Enable the feature flag
    • Feature.enable(:ui_for_organizations)
  3. Create an organization
    • FactoryBot.create(:organization, name: 'GitLab', path: 'gitlab')
  4. Navigate to /-/organizations/gitlab/groups_and_projects?display=projects

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Peter Hegman

Merge request reports