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Trigger note-webhook on comment edit


Currently, GitLab's note-webhooks are only triggered when comments are created. This limits the ability of external applications to react to and process comment updates.

Proposed Solution

Extend the existing note-webhook functionality to also trigger when comments within merge requests (or issues/snippets) are edited. This will provide a consistent mechanism for external systems to stay synchronized with the latest comment content.

Potential Use Cases

Workflow Automation:
Systems that rely on specific content or keywords within comments could trigger automated actions when a comment is updated. This is the use case that I and RedHat are interested in.

External Integrations:
3rd party tools can remain tightly synchronized with GitLab discussions, even when comments undergo changes. This is the usecase @hussam789 and PRAgent are interested in.

Signed-off-by: Lucas Zampieri

Edited by Lucas Zampieri

Merge request reports