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Combine 3 sign-in settings

What does this MR do and why?

We are combining these three settings, in this order:

  1. Appearance.description: Admin > Settings > Appearance > Sign in/Sign up pages > Description
  2. ApplicationSetting.sign_in_text: Admin > Settings > General > Sign-in restriction > Sign-in text
  3. ApplicationSetting.help_text: Admin > Settings > Preferences > Sign-in and Help page > Additional text to show on the sign-in page

The surviving field will be Appearance.description

The API options were marked as deprecated in 16.2, !125271 (merged).

In this MR we remove the Appearance.description, ApplicationSetting.sign_in_text in the following fashion:

  • Commit #1: database migration
  • Commit #2: frontend field removal
  • Commit #3: backend field removal (that are used in the API too)
  • Commit #4: changes in the documentation

Changelog: changed EE: true

Closes Redesigned Login Page: Options to modify sign i... (#385648 - closed)

Closes Combine sign-in appearances settings (#410885 - closed)

Screenshots or screen recordings

There should be no changes in the other or content of the custom fields.


Changes in the documentation:

Before After
image image
image image

How to set up and validate locally

  1. Before checking this branch
  2. Checking the branch and apply migration script here.
  3. The sign-in page should look identical.
  4. The two last settings options should not be visible.

Changes in the documentation:

  1. Check https://gdk.test:3443/help/user/admin_area/settings/
  2. Check https://gdk.test:3443/help/user/admin_area/settings/
  3. Check https://gdk.test:3443/help/api/settings.html

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Eduardo Sanz García

Merge request reports