Rack middleware for path traversal checks

What if?

What if we check all requests received by the rails backend for path traversals?
The idea is to have something along the components that handle web requests, if possible as early as possible. That component would simply check the path that is accessed and run this function that will check for path traversals.
This would add another protection layer against path traversals located on accessed urls (like gitlab.com/api/v4/foo%2F..%2Fbar
One good candidate for such component is a rails middleware. This MR explores that option.
Related to: #413766+

Deployment plan

We can't possibly deploy a change that impacts all web requests without some safety net. In addition, it would be good to measure in advance that impact. We're adding another handling in the web request. That handling is not free and will cost cpu time. That time will be added to the request latency time.
Before accepting the tradeoff, it would be nice to have a glimpse of what are exactly the terms of the tradeoff.
As such, we suggest deploying this change behind a feature flag and the following plan:
- Simulation phase (
this MR)-
feature flag enabled for a low-med percentage of requests, e.g.
Feature.enable_percentage_of_time(:my_feature_3, 5)
- All requests are allowed.
- Depending on the feature flag, the path traversals checks are executed. Any failures in those checks are logged.
- While we're here, log the amount of time spent to execute the checks.
feature flag enabled for a low-med percentage of requests, e.g.
- Analysis phase
- Gather the logs from the previous phase. Analyze if the request is a genuine one (one that we expect) or not.
- If it's a valid request, investigate how to ignore it or make it skip the checks.
- Iterate until no further logs are collected for valid requests.
- Analyze the results of the amount of time spent on checks.
- Enforce phase
- Start rejecting requests that don't pass the checks. Deploy this with a feature flag.
- Let it run for a full milestone on
. - Let it run for a full milestone on self-managed.
- Cleanup phase
- If no feedback or issues are reported from the previous phase, remove the feature flag and logging.
This MR represents phase (1.): simulation. In other words, no request is declined with this change. We're merely logging the activity of the middleware.

What does this MR do and why?

- Add a middleware to check path traversals on requests.
- Gated behind a feature flag. Rollout issue: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/415460.
- When enabled, the middleware runs the path traversal check and log any request that fails it.
- In other words, the middleware added by this MR will never block or reject any request.
- Add the related specs.

Screenshots or screen recordings

You know... this a rails middleware. So, no UI changes
So below to see the middleware in action

How to set up and validate locally

- Enable the feature flag:
Try different urls and check the application_json.log
url | application_json.log |
curl http://gdk.test:8000/foo/bar |
{"severity":"WARN","time":"2023-06-14T10:00:37.397Z","correlation_id":"01H2WNK6NG48YEMFVY9Z7TEMG6","duration_s":0.00089,"class_name":"Gitlab::Middleware::PathTraversalCheck"} |
† curl http://gdk.test:8000/foo/../bar
{"severity":"WARN","time":"2023-06-14T11:56:52.031Z","correlation_id":"01H2WW81TXMJQHVFHTN7V144NJ","duration_s":0.00131,"class_name":"Gitlab::Middleware::PathTraversalCheck"} |
curl http://gdk.test:8000/foo%2F../bar |
{"severity":"WARN","time":"2023-06-14T11:57:50.778Z","correlation_id":"01H2WW9V9GEJ2J3MN28VJNA9MW","fullpath":"/foo/%2F../bar","message":"Potential path traversal attempt detected","duration_s":0.00203,"class_name":"Gitlab::Middleware::PathTraversalCheck"} |
curl "http://gdk.test:8000/foo/bar?q=%2F%2E%2E%2Ftest" |
{"severity":"WARN","time":"2023-06-14T11:58:35.362Z","correlation_id":"01H2WWB6TRM27HJX5BRTTVKQXA","fullpath":"/foo/bar?q=%2F%2E%2E%2Ftest","message":"Potential path traversal attempt detected","duration_s":0.00226,"class_name":"Gitlab::Middleware::PathTraversalCheck"} |
curl "http://gdk.test:8000/foo%2F%2E%2E%2Fbar" |
{"severity":"WARN","time":"2023-06-14T11:59:43.408Z","correlation_id":"01H2WWD9938KKBR52MJBEXNSSE","fullpath":"/foo%2F%2E%2E%2Fbar","message":"Potential path traversal attempt detected","duration_s":0.00222,"class_name":"Gitlab::Middleware::PathTraversalCheck"} |
† for this case, it seems that Rack
itself will refuse to parse the fullpath
as foo/../bar
. Instead, the path
used will be /bar
which, from the middleware point of view, is a valid url (no path traversals).
MR acceptance checklist
This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.
I have evaluated the MR acceptance checklist for this MR.

Other considerations

Why not workhorse?

Excellent question
Workhorse would be the ideal location to reject such invalid requests. This way, the rails backend doesn't even receive it at all (= rails resources saved).
However, given the reach of this change (all requests), we absolutely need some safety nets. feature flag s are those safety nets. In addition, we already have a function that check for path traversals in rails and that is known to be working as expected. In workhorse, we would need to find or create such function. We could be introducing risky changes (like rejecting a request that doesn't have any path traversal).
All things considered, I think it's better to start with a rails middleware. If that approach turns out to be a good one but it's consuming too many resources, we can look to port the solution to workhorse.

Get me some numbers

In order to know how much time we're going to spend in checking for path traversals, I thought that running some benchmarks would be useful.
Here is the file I used. Pardon the code quality, I created this within 5 minutes and I just wanted the results. While at it, I explored some other implementation options for the check path traversal function to check if we could improve the execution time.
For the scenarios, I used 3 different urls: a short one, a medium one (~1000 chars) and a long one (~20 000 chars). The medium and long one have a path traversal attempt.
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'benchmark/ips'
require_relative "../../config/environment"
SHORT_URL = "foo%2Fbar"
LONG_URL = "#{'a' * 10_000}%2F%2E%2E%2F#{'b' * 10_000}"
MEDIUM_URL = "#{'a' * 1000}%2F%2E%2E"
RE2_REGEX = RE2::Regexp.new('(^(\.{1,2})$|^\.\.[/\\\\]|[/\\\\]\.\.$|[/\\\\]\.\.[/\\\\])').freeze
SIMPLIFIED_REGEX = %r{(/{0,1}\.\./{0,1})}.freeze
TWO_DOTS = '..'
EXISTING_PATH_TRAVERSAL_REGEX = %r{(\A(\.{1,2})\z|\A\.\.[/\\]|[/\\]\.\.\z|[/\\]\.\.[/\\]|\n)}.freeze
def check_path_traversal_with_constant!(path)
return unless path
path = path.to_s if path.is_a?(Gitlab::HashedPath)
raise PathTraversalAttackError, 'Invalid path' unless path.is_a?(String)
path = ::Gitlab::Utils.decode_path(path)
logger.warn(message: "Potential path traversal attempt detected", path: path.to_s)
raise PathTraversalAttackError, 'Invalid path'
Benchmark.ips do |x|
x.report("short url existing check path traversal") do
x.report("short url check path traversal with constant") do
x.report("short url re2") do
x.report("short url include?") do
x.report("short url simplified regex") do
Benchmark.ips do |x|
x.report("medium url existing check path traversal") do
x.report("medium url check path traversal with constant") do
x.report("medium url re2") do
x.report("medium url include?") do
x.report("medium url simplified regex") do
Benchmark.ips do |x|
x.report("long url existing check path traversal") do
x.report("long url check path traversal with constant") do
x.report("long url re2") do
x.report("long url include?") do
x.report("long url simplified regex") do
Benchmark.bmbm do |x|
x.report("short url existing check path traversal") do
x.report("short url check path traversal with constant") do
x.report("short url re2") do
x.report("short url include?") do
x.report("short url simplified regex") do
Benchmark.bmbm do |x|
x.report("medium url existing check path traversal") do
x.report("medium url check path traversal with constant") do
x.report("medium url re2") do
x.report("medium url include?") do
x.report("medium url simplified regex") do
Benchmark.bmbm do |x|
x.report("long url existing check path traversal") do
x.report("long url check path traversal with constant") do
x.report("long url re2") do
x.report("long url include?") do
x.report("long url simplified regex") do
Here are the results I get:
$ ruby script/benchmarks/path_traversal.rb
Warming up --------------------------------------
short url existing check path traversal
131.495k i/100ms
short url check path traversal with constant
135.288k i/100ms
short url re2 188.348k i/100ms
short url include? 374.376k i/100ms
short url simplified regex
358.905k i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
short url existing check path traversal
1.307M (± 2.9%) i/s - 6.575M in 5.036125s
short url check path traversal with constant
1.303M (± 3.5%) i/s - 6.629M in 5.094431s
short url re2 1.838M (±17.5%) i/s - 8.664M in 5.073499s
short url include? 3.607M (± 3.8%) i/s - 18.344M in 5.093497s
short url simplified regex
3.399M (± 3.4%) i/s - 17.227M in 5.074337s
short url include?: 3606763.6 i/s
short url simplified regex: 3398969.6 i/s - same-ish: difference falls within error
short url re2: 1838392.3 i/s - 1.96x slower
short url existing check path traversal: 1306655.8 i/s - 2.76x slower
short url check path traversal with constant: 1302862.5 i/s - 2.77x slower
Warming up --------------------------------------
medium url existing check path traversal
31.000 i/100ms
medium url check path traversal with constant
2.805k i/100ms
medium url re2 26.154k i/100ms
medium url include? 48.485k i/100ms
medium url simplified regex
51.226k i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
medium url existing check path traversal
6.534k (±46.9%) i/s - 4.061k in 5.284083s
medium url check path traversal with constant
29.154k (± 3.6%) i/s - 145.860k in 5.009454s
medium url re2 247.030k (±18.7%) i/s - 1.125M in 5.006283s
medium url include? 477.863k (±18.6%) i/s - 2.182M in 5.030746s
medium url simplified regex
485.396k (±18.5%) i/s - 2.254M in 5.090959s
medium url simplified regex: 485395.5 i/s
medium url include?: 477862.6 i/s - same-ish: difference falls within error
medium url re2: 247030.0 i/s - 1.96x slower
medium url check path traversal with constant: 29153.9 i/s - 16.65x slower
medium url existing check path traversal: 6534.4 i/s - 74.28x slower
Warming up --------------------------------------
long url existing check path traversal
29.000 i/100ms
long url check path traversal with constant
399.000 i/100ms
long url re2 2.367k i/100ms
long url include? 3.518k i/100ms
long url simplified regex
3.936k i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
long url existing check path traversal
2.426k (±36.5%) i/s - 3.799k in 5.005201s
long url check path traversal with constant
4.017k (±10.1%) i/s - 19.551k in 5.015698s
long url re2 22.342k (±18.1%) i/s - 104.148k in 5.061759s
long url include? 35.546k (± 1.9%) i/s - 179.418k in 5.049406s
long url simplified regex
39.282k (± 2.5%) i/s - 196.800k in 5.013185s
long url simplified regex: 39281.7 i/s
long url include?: 35545.8 i/s - 1.11x slower
long url re2: 22341.9 i/s - 1.76x slower
long url check path traversal with constant: 4016.9 i/s - 9.78x slower
long url existing check path traversal: 2425.6 i/s - 16.19x slower
Rehearsal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
short url existing check path traversal 0.000040 0.000024 0.000064 ( 0.000015)
short url check path traversal with constant 0.000030 0.000025 0.000055 ( 0.000042)
short url re2 0.000012 0.000009 0.000021 ( 0.000010)
short url include? 0.000004 0.000001 0.000005 ( 0.000005)
short url simplified regex 0.000003 0.000001 0.000004 ( 0.000004)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- total: 0.000149sec
user system total real
short url existing check path traversal 0.000017 0.000034 0.000051 ( 0.000015)
short url check path traversal with constant 0.000015 0.000002 0.000017 ( 0.000013)
short url re2 0.000017 0.000035 0.000052 ( 0.000014)
short url include? 0.000013 0.000002 0.000015 ( 0.000011)
short url simplified regex 0.000009 0.000019 0.000028 ( 0.000007)
Rehearsal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
medium url existing check path traversal 0.000223 0.000169 0.000392 ( 0.000279)
medium url check path traversal with constant 0.000050 0.000010 0.000060 ( 0.000048)
medium url re2 0.000039 0.000024 0.000063 ( 0.000048)
medium url include? 0.000017 0.000011 0.000028 ( 0.000026)
medium url simplified regex 0.000006 0.000000 0.000006 ( 0.000006)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ total: 0.000549sec
user system total real
medium url existing check path traversal 0.000232 0.000191 0.000423 ( 0.000288)
medium url check path traversal with constant 0.000070 0.000038 0.000108 ( 0.000069)
medium url re2 0.000028 0.000049 0.000077 ( 0.000025)
medium url include? 0.000013 0.000002 0.000015 ( 0.000011)
medium url simplified regex 0.000014 0.000028 0.000042 ( 0.000011)
Rehearsal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
long url existing check path traversal 0.000460 0.000146 0.000606 ( 0.000497)
long url check path traversal with constant 0.000266 0.000012 0.000278 ( 0.000265)
long url re2 0.000052 0.000008 0.000060 ( 0.000053)
long url include? 0.000034 0.000012 0.000046 ( 0.000034)
long url simplified regex 0.000026 0.000009 0.000035 ( 0.000028)
---------------------------------------------------------------------- total: 0.001025sec
user system total real
long url existing check path traversal 0.000459 0.000197 0.000656 ( 0.000516)
long url check path traversal with constant 0.000276 0.000061 0.000337 ( 0.000279)
long url re2 0.000073 0.000029 0.000102 ( 0.000070)
long url include? 0.000039 0.000050 0.000089 ( 0.000036)
long url simplified regex 0.000039 0.000035 0.000074 ( 0.000037)
Alright, here is what I can say reading the above:
- Obviously, the longer the url, the longer the execution is.
- The existing function is already quite fast. On long urls, it took less than
to execute. - Putting the existing regex as a constant and update the existing function is an interesting option. Almost
faster on long urls. - There is room for improvement with alternative implementations.
- Among them, the simplified regex (simplified as we would expect to use it only on urls) and the
approaches are crazy . About15+x
faster. - The problem with alternative implementations is that we introduce a risk of not properly covering all the cases.
- Among them, the simplified regex (simplified as we would expect to use it only on urls) and the
In conclusion here, we have improvements available but given the already good performance of the existing function, I think it's not worth it (nor the risks involved of using a different implementation).
The only improvement we could consider here is moving the regex to a constant. This would have 0 impact on the function's behavior. Done in Use a constant in check_path_traversal! (!123661 - merged).