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Automatically index projects in Zoekt when namespace is enabled

What does this MR do and why?

Zoekt is a new code search database being gradually rolled out on . It is intended to replace Elasticsearch for code search.

We use the ::Zoekt::IndexedNamespace model as a way to keep track of namespaces that are enabled as part of our rollout of using Zoekt for code search. When we implemented this we did not automate the indexing of the projects when this was enabled and we had this as another manual step as part of the rollout. Now that we're building APIs to enable a namespace in !116650 (merged) we want this to also automatically index all the projects in the namespace when it is enabled.

This MR just adds an after create hook on the model to trigger a Sidekiq worker which then loops through all projects in the namespace and triggers another Sidekiq worker to do the indexing. This is larger a copy of the way we do it with the ElasticNamespaceIndexerWorker and as such we have added a 2nd argument to the worker which will be used in the future to handle deletes.

Screenshots or screen recordings

Screenshots are required for UI changes, and strongly recommended for all other merge requests.

How to set up and validate locally

Numbered steps to set up and validate the change are strongly suggested.

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Related to #389756 (closed)

Edited by Dylan Griffith

Merge request reports