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File-by-file: Add a getter to check if a file has been loaded

Thomas Randolph requested to merge tor/feature/fbf-tree-loaded into master

What does this MR do and why?

For the new file-by-file implementation, we need to avoid loading the same file over and over, so this will provide a simple way to access the entries in state and check if they're already loaded.



For #337263 (closed).

We are making File-by-file view mode much more useful by only fetching the single file that you are trying to view at any time.

In extreme cases, if the file you are viewing is the last in a long list (say 100s or 1000s of files), batch-loading the diffs could introduce an extremely noticeable delay before your single file is loaded and displays while the app loads tons of files you have no interest in.

The above issue - and this chain of MRs - will resolve that problem by loading only the file needed to display.


It's pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. It's just a small getter to avoid having to dig into the internal representation of treeEntries whenever we need to check if a file has already been loaded, which will be important for the newer file-by-file feature to avoid a ton of API requests and unnecessary data churn.

This change has a soft dependency on !113941 (merged). Technically, this getter will work just fine without that MR, but it will always return false (because the entries will not yet have been marked as loaded - or marked at all). There wouldn't be any harm in merging this first, but it just won't be useful without that other MR.


This MR is one of a set of changes that will eventually implement this feature.

Phase 1 - Preparation

Status MR Purpose
🚀 Merged !112515 (merged) Adds the API access we need for the more surgical data
🚀 Merged !112516 (merged) Switches to using our initial metadata representation of the MR for many operations
🚀 Merged !113941 (merged) Marks metadata files as loaded so future uses don't try to load them again

Phase 2 - New Abilities

Status MR Purpose
🚀 Merged !113940 (merged) Adds helpers to re-retrieve the hash from the URL since it only needed to be fetched once before
🚀 Merged !113937 (merged) Adds an action to fetch and store a single file versus the existing full diff batch loading
We are here 👉🏻 !114009 (merged) Add a getter to check the files marked in !113941 (merged) to simplify "already-loaded" guard clauses
🛠 In Dev !114024 (merged) Add an action to scroll to a file async (and load it if necessary)
👀 In Review !114170 (merged) Adds an action to re-check the note hash from the URL and potentially fetch the appropriate file

Phase 3 - Implementation

Status MR Purpose
🛠 In Dev !111895 (merged) Adds the feature that will only load the proper file when necessary to display it

Screenshots or screen recordings

N/A, all backstage

How to set up and validate locally

Since this code isn't yet used, there's nothing to validate other than running the unit tests.

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Thomas Randolph

Merge request reports