Generic script to spin up / spin down Ultimate GitLab groups/projects with security features enabled
Create a script that creates a new group with an Ultimate license. Within the group, it should contain 4 sub-groups:
- Security Group
- Development Sub-Group A
- Development Sub-Group B
- Development Sub-Group C
Each sub-group will contain 4 projects.
One project should be fully enabled to run each scanner. It could follow the structure of the Simple Notes Demo, but ultimately it should be possible to deploy a container and successfully run DAST for example, not only SAST.
There should be an MR created that shows examples of possible scan results and security policy violations. For example:
- MR Example - Critical SAST Vulnerability Detected
- MR Example - Critical or High DAST Vulnerability Detected
- MR Example - Previously Detected Critical Dependency Scanning
- MR Example - License Violation Detected
When the test environment has been used for whatever purpose is needed, it can then be torn down, removing the top-level group and all contents within it.
Multiple users may want to use the script and create unique instances at a given time for various use cases.
Use Cases
- PMs, CSMs, or SAs can create a new demo instance with a clean state.
- PMs, EMs, or Engineers can spin up a new instance to test and validate behavior when supporting customers.
- UXR Researches can create instances for UXR studies.
- Potentially, SETs could use this as a basis for further automated E2E testing.