Exec Dashboard: Add overview and summary widgets
Problem to solve
Executives' time is very valuable, and they need to understand the status of their organization's SDLC performance at a glance.
Following #370887 (comment 1122463787) and Customer feedback from https://gitlab.my.salesforce.com/001610000111bA3?srPos=2&srKp=a3p
Persona & JTBD
Users experience goals:
- I need the highest level of data about the SDLC performance stand out quickly to identify the health of my software organization.
- When I am optimizing my SDLC I want to understand the data top to bottom. Starting from the most most important data and show more detail as I scroll down.
- When I identify data that need more investigations, I need to drill down into other reports to identify actionable insights.
- Add a new summary widget data-visualization (tiles?).
- Add widget (TopView) with high-level snapshot to summary the aggregate DevOps health from all the organization's groups/projects.
- Widget 1: Overview - Name, total number of groups, projects, members.
Widget 2: Summary DORA performers score:
- Total number of groups Deployment frequency breakdowns % into High, Medium, Low
- Total number of groups Lead Time for Changes breakdowns % into High, Medium, Low
- Total number of groups Time to Restore Service breakdowns % into High, Medium, Low
- Total number of groups Change Failure Rate breakdowns % into High, Medium, Low
Widget 3: High DORA performers groups:
- Top 10 groups with the higher average Deployment frequency per day, aggregate monthly.
- Top 10 groups with the lower median Lead Time for Changes per day, aggregate monthly.
- Top 10 groups with the lower Time to Restore Service days, aggregate monthly.
- Top 10 groups with the lower Change Failure Rate %, aggregate monthly.
Widget 4: DevOps metrics Status tile
- DORA4, Flow metrics, MR rate, New Issues, # of commits, # of contributors, # of Vulnerabilities, % of Critical Vulnerabilities, # of pipelines, % of Success pipelines, # of open Bugs, Mean time to merge, DevOps score.
- Each tile with Metric Name and Metric Value.and sparkline.
Widget 5:
- Compare the metrics improvements across all groups and projects.
- Same as the metrics comparative table.
Open questions
- How to make the group metrics meaningful to execs, primarily?
Related information
2022 DORA performers clustering approach
- Example of real customer dashboard, with integration to Splunk and ServiceNow
- Example of Exec Dashboard.
- Google the Four Keys Project - https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/fourkeys/blob/main/images/dashboard.png