Allow web-hook backoffs to have a grace period
Currently, backoffs are applied immediately (on the first encountered failure).
We may want to allow a set number of free failures that we ignore. We already do this for errors (4xx
range responses).
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- Alex Kalderimis added to epic &8198
added to epic &8198
- Alex Kalderimis mentioned in merge request !99104 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !99104 (merged)
- Alex Kalderimis assigned to @alexkalderimis
assigned to @alexkalderimis
- Alex Kalderimis changed milestone to %15.5
changed milestone to %15.5
- Alex Kalderimis added groupintegrations [DEPRECATED] sectiondev typemaintenance + 1 deleted label
added groupintegrations [DEPRECATED] sectiondev typemaintenance + 1 deleted label
- Alex Kalderimis marked this issue as related to #365535 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #365535 (closed)
- Alex Kalderimis removed the relation with #365535 (closed)
removed the relation with #365535 (closed)
- Alex Kalderimis marked this issue as blocking #365535 (closed)
marked this issue as blocking #365535 (closed)
- Alex Kalderimis marked this issue as related to #375147 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #375147 (closed)
- Author Contributor
This is the other part of the work for #375147 (closed)
1 - Arturo Herrero added backend label
added backend label
- Alex Kalderimis added workflowin dev label
added workflowin dev label
- Alex Kalderimis mentioned in epic &8083
mentioned in epic &8083
- Maintainer
Setting label(s) Category:Integrations based on ~"group::integrations".
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added Category:Integrations label
added Category:Integrations label
- Luke Duncalfe changed epic to &8083
changed epic to &8083
- Alex Kalderimis closed
- Author Contributor
Closing as implemented
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added devopsmanage label and removed 1 deleted label
added devopsmanage label and removed 1 deleted label
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added groupimport and integrate label and removed groupintegrations [DEPRECATED] label
added groupimport and integrate label and removed groupintegrations [DEPRECATED] label