Require signed commits
Problem to solve
Protected branches in GitLab are implemented differently than in GitHub. For example, in GitHub there are some protected rules that you can apply on one or a few branches that match an expression, while those rules exist in GitLab as a general project settings for all branches. In this issue we make the mapping, so if a protected rule is defined in GH, and similar rule exists in GitLab general settings, we will configure the migrated GitLab project with this rule as a general settings, and this rule will be applied to all branches.
Purposed solution
Scenario: "Require signed commits"
Given "Require signed commits" a branch protected rule in GitHub checked
When a user imports this repository to GitLab
Then the settings "Reject unsigned commits" in the GitLab project settings will be enabled
Add documentation of this mapping.
Technical details
Get default branch protection rule from Github API. When possible (on Premium and Ultimate GL) look at required_signatures
and map its value into project.push_rule