Identify different Alerts implementations in the GitLab code base
This is a research issue, part of &996 in order to identify the different implementations of Alerts in the GitLab codebase.
The outcome of this issue should be sub-epics and issues for &996 which can be worked on by Frontend Engineers as part of wider efforts.
Each sub-epic should be one "category" of implementations and have introductions on how to migrate them. Examples for different "categories" could be "HAML > Implementation1", "HAML > Implementation2", "Vue > Implementation1", etc.
- HAML implementations could be existing Helpers or different ways to build Alert in HTML directly.
- Vue implementations could be existing components that pre-date
or Alert built in the templates directly.
Please document these different implementations in this issue, with links to example files and how to "find" them (components, regex searches, CSS classes, etc.).
A good example epic to model this after:
Previous research issues:
Edited by Mike Greiling