Add topics management (admin area)
What does this MR do and why?
In the course of Issues #340920 (closed), we want to give a boost to the project topics
In !70386 (merged), the Projects::Topic
model was extended with an avatar and a description. As a next step, this MR allows administrators to manage (add/edit) the project topics in the admin area.
/cc @bufferoverflow
execution plans:
- List topics -
- List topics, paginated -
- Search topics -
execution plans - these were tested by executing the migration synchronously (on a different branch) and running the migrations testing pipeline - !71974 (comment 698490482). Looks good.
Migrations output:
$ bundle exec rails db:migrate
== 20211004075629 AddTopicsNameGinIndex: migrating ============================
-- transaction_open?()
-> 0.0000s
-- index_exists?(:topics, :name, {:name=>"index_topics_on_name_trigram", :using=>:gin, :opclass=>{:name=>:gin_trgm_ops}, :algorithm=>:concurrently})
-> 0.0066s
-- execute("SET statement_timeout TO 0")
-> 0.0005s
-- add_index(:topics, :name, {:name=>"index_topics_on_name_trigram", :using=>:gin, :opclass=>{:name=>:gin_trgm_ops}, :algorithm=>:concurrently})
-> 0.6582s
-- execute("RESET statement_timeout")
-> 0.0006s
== 20211004075629 AddTopicsNameGinIndex: migrated (0.6920s) ===================
== 20211006060254 AddTopicsTotalProjectsCountCache: migrating =================
-- add_column(:topics, :total_projects_count, :bigint, {:null=>false, :default=>0})
-> 0.0097s
== 20211006060254 AddTopicsTotalProjectsCountCache: migrated (0.0098s) ========
== 20211006060436 SchedulePopulateTopicsTotalProjectsCountCache: migrating ====
-- Scheduled 21 PopulateTopicsTotalProjectsCountCache jobs with a maximum of 10000 records per batch and an interval of 120 seconds.
The migration is expected to take at least 2520 seconds. Expect all jobs to have completed after 2021-10-12 01:37:06 UTC."
== 20211006060436 SchedulePopulateTopicsTotalProjectsCountCache: migrated (0.2077s)
== 20211006122010 AddTopicsTotalProjectsCountIndex: migrating =================
-- transaction_open?()
-> 0.0000s
-- index_exists?(:topics, [:total_projects_count, :id], {:order=>{:total_projects_count=>:desc}, :name=>"index_topics_total_projects_count", :algorithm=>:concurrently})
-> 0.0015s
-- add_index(:topics, [:total_projects_count, :id], {:order=>{:total_projects_count=>:desc}, :name=>"index_topics_total_projects_count", :algorithm=>:concurrently})
-> 0.1684s
== 20211006122010 AddTopicsTotalProjectsCountIndex: migrated (0.1728s) ========
$ bundle exec rails db:migrate:down VERSION=20211006122010
== 20211006122010 AddTopicsTotalProjectsCountIndex: reverting =================
-- transaction_open?()
-> 0.0000s
-- indexes(:topics)
-> 0.0044s
-- execute("SET statement_timeout TO 0")
-> 0.0005s
-- remove_index(:topics, {:algorithm=>:concurrently, :name=>"index_topics_total_projects_count"})
-> 0.0078s
-- execute("RESET statement_timeout")
-> 0.0005s
== 20211006122010 AddTopicsTotalProjectsCountIndex: reverted (0.0234s) ========
$ bundle exec rails db:migrate:down VERSION=20211006060436
== 20211006060436 SchedulePopulateTopicsTotalProjectsCountCache: reverting ====
== 20211006060436 SchedulePopulateTopicsTotalProjectsCountCache: reverted (0.0000s)
$ bundle exec rails db:migrate:down VERSION=20211006060254
== 20211006060254 AddTopicsTotalProjectsCountCache: reverting =================
-- remove_column(:topics, :total_projects_count)
-> 0.0029s
== 20211006060254 AddTopicsTotalProjectsCountCache: reverted (0.0030s) ========
$ bundle exec rails db:migrate:down VERSION=20211004075629
== 20211004075629 AddTopicsNameGinIndex: reverting ============================
-- transaction_open?()
-> 0.0000s
-- indexes(:topics)
-> 0.0030s
-- execute("SET statement_timeout TO 0")
-> 0.0006s
-- remove_index(:topics, {:algorithm=>:concurrently, :name=>"index_topics_on_name_trigram"})
-> 0.0051s
-- execute("RESET statement_timeout")
-> 0.0006s
== 20211004075629 AddTopicsNameGinIndex: reverted (0.0194s) ===================
Screenshots or screen recordings
How to set up and validate locally
- Sign in as administrator
- Visit
Docs: Administering Topics
You can administer all topics in the GitLab instance from the Admin Area's Topics page.To access the Topics page:
- On the top bar, select Menu > Admin.
- On the left sidebar, select Overview > Topics.
For each topic, the page displays their name and number of projects labeled with the topic. To edit a topic, click the Edit button in that topic's row.
To change the sort order, click the sort dropdown and select the desired order. The default sort order is by Name, ascending.
To search for topics by name, enter your criteria in the search field. The topic search is case insensitive, and applies partial matching.
To create a new topic click New topic.
MR acceptance checklist
This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.
- I have evaluated the MR acceptance checklist for this MR.