Audit Events: Add merge request settings changes part 1
Problem to solve
Changes to project merge request settings could cause considerable impact. We would like to track these settings changes in audit events and potentially enable more automation around this area.
Intended users
User experience goal
Users can view audit events related the merge request settings changes under Project > Security & Compliance > Audit Events
Capture audit events when users modify merge request settings via app and API
- Merge method
- Merge options
- Squash commits when merging
- Merge checks
- Merge suggestions
Further details
Permissions and Security
Availability & Testing
Available Tier
What does success look like, and how can we measure that?
What is the type of buyer?
Is this a cross-stage feature?
Links / references
- Current tracking of project changes is done via
- Existing audit tracking results in a lot of unnecessary inserts. Every field change create one insert statement. We can leverage on the new
to do a bulk insert.