Improve text of MR empty state
This is an actionable insight from the UX Department: MRs experience async critique research (insight).
The text of a merge request's empty state could be improved on the following points:
- "Interested parties" is a really stuffy, formal term. It also seems a little out-of-place and vague since the rest of the message is directed to "you." Interested parties sounds like it could range from my team members to random GitLab users.
- It talks a lot about commits, but maybe I don't know what a commit is or how it relates to creating a file.
- At the end of the message, the calls-to-action don't have buttons. It says “push new commits or use a different branch” but the only button is “Create file”.
- To be addressed in #291999 (closed)
Edited by Pedro Moreira da Silva