Upgrade Auto DevOps to Helm 3
Release Post candidate
Auto DevOps want to bring outstanding ease-of-use and security best practices out of the box to its users. Until now Auto DevOps in Kubernetes environments required Helm v2 to be installed on the cluster, and this involved a security risk given Tiller's root access rights. With the introduction of Helm v3, Tiller is no longer a requirement.
The current GitLab version finally supports Helm v3. You can upgrade your Helm installation in the case of a GitLab Managed Cluster following our documentation. Note that Helm 2 support is expected to end around November 2020.
Problem to solve
Auto DevOps currently makes use of Helm 2. Helm 2 support will end in 12 months (around Nov 13, 2020)
Also, Tiller will be removed as part of Helm V3.0.0 to provide a way to simply fetch information from the Kubernetes API server, render the Charts client-side, and store a record of the installation in Kubernetes.
Intended users
Further details
Migrate Auto DevOps to use Helm 3
- Migrate to Tillerless
✅ -
Update Chart.yaml to be Helm 3 compatible (apiVersion: v2) - see gitlab-org/charts/auto-deploy-app#44 (moved): Edit: this would be a breaking change for Helm 2 users, so we need to keep it as-is for now. - Remove local tiller and use Helm 3 binary
- Migrate and cleanup Helm v2 configuration and releases to Helm v3 in-place.
- Helm 3 requires conversion to a new format https://helm.sh/blog/migrate-from-helm-v2-to-helm-v3/
- Cleanup Tiller deployment