Cyrillic branch name causes pipeline fail due to wrong generation of predifined _SLUG variables
Steps to reproduce
- Name a branch with entirely cyrillic symbols: "Тестовая-ветка". git & GitLab allows that.
- Use predifined CI/CD variable in pipeline that uses branch name.
, for example.
What is the current bug behavior?
CI/CD Pipeline fails due to an empty variable.
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
Here is the result from my job log:
$ docker build --file Dockerfile.backend --target backend --tag $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/backend:$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG --cache-from $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/backend:base --cache-from $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/backend:latest --build-arg CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE=$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE .
invalid argument "" for "-t, --tag" flag: invalid reference format
See 'docker build --help'.
Cleaning up file based variables
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 125
Possible fixes
I propose just to transliterate branch name.
This feature also could be used to solve #19354