Creating groups and subgroups via POST request on always returns 403 Forbidden. There is a user option Can create group within in the user administration on self-hosted GitLab instances but this is not available on, which probably prevents creating groups via API in the first place.
Steps to reproduce
Create a personal access token and assign yourself to a group with the appropriate role (e.g. owner). Then send a POST request to the relevant API endpoint to create a subgroup. See docs.
What is the current bug behavior?
The API returns 403 Forbidden in all cases.
What is the expected correct behavior?
The API should return a successful response code and actually create the (sub-)group if the access-token is from a user which has the appropriate role for the group for which the (sub-)group should be created.
To create a group from the API, admins rights are not sufficient, you must have specific authorization to create a group, which can be found at http://:yourgitlaburl/admin/users/:username/edit. Check the checkbox "can create group" You can retrieve if the user can create group or not in the /users path of the API if the authenticated user have admin rights.
I can confirm, I am experiencing the same issue. I have tried it on multiple accounts. Also creating a subgroup under a parent_id group works fine. Only creating a group in the root account gives a 403: forbidden.
Any ideas on this? thanks in advance
The only way I got around it was to create a Group (in root) via the GUI. Then export that empty group using the export function. And then I was able to use the import API to create a new group (in root) using the tar.gz export file. As @ilya.kozlov.sympli mentioned, sub-groups (with parent-id) work fine. Seem like a silly workaround but works for now. Also, might be good to note that this was not happening last week so something happened in the last week or so.
Hi @ilya.kozlov.sympli I am in the same boat. I have a CICD pipeline (funnily enough through Gitlab) that creates groups and subgroups. So you only have to do that GUI group create ONE time. Once you have the tar.gz file, you can add it to your pipeline that uses the API to create the group. And instead of using the groups API, you can use the following Import API to create your Group. The command is as follows:
Yes same problem for me, creating a new group via API calls always returns 403 forbidden, even with the access token of an admin user with maximum rights.
I have found the cause of the problem, and I have the solution!
To create a group from the API, admins rights are not sufficient, you must have specific authorization to create a group, which can be found at http://:yourgitlaburl/admin/users/:username/edit. Check the checkbox "can create group"
You can retrieve if the user can create group or not in the /users path of the API if the authenticated user have admin rights.
Error: POST 403 {message: 403 Forbidden} on line 15, in resource "gitlab_group""xxxxx": 15: resource "gitlab_group""xxxxx"{
I was actually able to get this to work. When creating a subgroup you have to supply the parent_id. The path parameter is not the full path -- it's the path segment name of the subgroup being created.
Thank you! This worked for me using the terraform provider as well.
Path is just the "slug" for the path (not the fully qualified path).
The parent_id is required if it is going to be a child group.
resource "gitlab_group" "engineering_group" { name = "My Group Name" path = "my-group-slug" parent_id = 123456789 # (parent group id) description = "My engineering group"
Some of you (if you are running a self-hosted instance with version 14.5 or 14.5.1) may have the same problem I had.
There is an issue in version 14.5 that will be fixed in version 14.6.
More information and a workaround can be found here: #346943 (closed)
/srv/todo/infra # pulumi upPreviewing update (dev): Type Name Plan pulumi:pulumi:Stack awesome-todo-dev + └─ gitlab:index:Group Awesome TODO createResources: + 1 to create 1 unchangedDo you want to perform this update? yesUpdating (dev): Type Name Status Info pulumi:pulumi:Stack awesome-todo-dev **failed** 1 error + └─ gitlab:index:Group Awesome TODO **creating failed** 1 errorDiagnostics: pulumi:pulumi:Stack (awesome-todo-dev): error: update failed gitlab:index:Group (Awesome TODO): error: POST 403 {message: 403 ForbiddenResources: 1 unchangedDuration: 2s
I just want to give some possible reasons why this is disabled on ~SaaS (as mentioned in the docs).
GitLab (and every other platform offering free computation (here via CI and the shared runners)) has problems with abuse of their platform from cryptominers. Also, to prevent unlimited usage of the computation resources, each namespace has a limit on free CI minutes it can use each month. Subgroups use the quota of their parent group and therefore, all groups within a single root group share the same quota.
Now, if you create a new root group, it's CI minutes quota is independent from the other root group. So if you allow to create root groups over the API, you enable abusive users to gain unlimited minutes as they can just spin up new root groups automatically once they run out of CI minutes (or even earlier and running much more pipelines in parallel).
Forcing the manual step for the root group creation on ~SaaS prevents that problem and helps making the CI more stable for legitimate users.
Another point, someone could just create groups with all possible combinations of characters and that would prevent new users getting a reasonable username as the paths were already taken by the abuse user which just created a huge amount of root groups with many of the possible character combinations.
I know that this doesn't help the problem and this can be quite frustrating for legitimate users which just want to automate some tasks, but I hope this maybe explains some possible reasons, why this is the case on
Sadly we live in a world, where we must think of the possible abuses and try to prevent them, even at the cost of impacting legitimate users.
Apologies for the long delay in triaging this issue, but Niklas has summarized the reason for this behaviour well. I'll mark this issue as a typefeaturefeatureenhancement so that we can review with product team to see if there are alternative ways of supporting this.
Good evening, I get the same error when I try to create a new "message" Group: "403 Forbidden"
If I try to put a parentId then the call works correctly.
My question is it possible to create a Group without a parentId?
I'm using the free version of Gitlab
Thank you