Script to recalculate all artifacts size
Release notes
Previously, due to statistics calculations, artifact sizes accumulated in the usage quota may report incorrect sizes Now, to ensure artifacts are reporting the most accurate size, we have added a backstage script in GitLab to automatically recalculate sizes. You may notice occasionally artifact statistics will fluctuate to 0
at times as this script is recalculating, although the statistics will return to normal shortly.
Problem to solve
Resolving bug #23327 (closed) requires multiple steps and this issue is for one of them to write a script that can forcefully recalculate all artifacts size and document how to use it. For example, a rake task that iterates over projects.
Intended users
User experience goal
Users should see the correct statistics in the artifacts usage quota page.
Write a script that can forcefully recalculate all artifacts size
Further details
This issue is for step 4 in the following plan of action to fix artifact_size being broken (#23327 (closed)):
use efficient counters - #238534 (closed) -
feature flag and monitor it - #238535 (closed) -
Fix decrement of
when artifacts are deleted when a pipeline is deleted - Write a script that can forcefully recalculate all artifacts size - #238536 (closed)
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