Remove `ci_drop_bridge_on_downstream_errors` feature flag
In %12.9 we introduced a feature flag ci_drop_bridge_on_downstream_errors
in !25706 (merged).
After some time (even a couple of weeks) that !25706 (merged) is deployed we should remove the feature flag and make it default behavior.
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- Fabio Pitino changed milestone to %12.10
changed milestone to %12.10
- Fabio Pitino changed weight to 1
changed weight to 1
- Author Maintainer
@jyavorska I've added a milestone here because this is an important one to tackle soon.
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@fabiopitino why is this important?
- Author Maintainer
@jyavorska This feature flag makes the bridge job fail immediately if the downstream pipeline (multi-project or child) fails during the creation. On top of this we are going to iterate on displaying error messages from the downstream pipeline to the upstream bridge: #200016 (closed). Having the code of the feature flag there would make it more complicated to build on top of it as it would mean that we need to add more feature flag checks for the same in the code. It's best to remove it after we have verified that it works as expected after deployment.
- Fabio Pitino mentioned in merge request !25706 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !25706 (merged)
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added [deprecated] Accepting merge requests label
added [deprecated] Accepting merge requests label
- Jason Yavorska added VerifyP1 label
added VerifyP1 label
- Crystal Poole added workflowready for development label
added workflowready for development label
- Contributor
@fabiopitino Is this enabled in production?Looks like this is enabled by default.Edited by Matija Čupić - Matija Čupić assigned to @matteeyah
assigned to @matteeyah
- Contributor
I explicitely enabled this in production -
- Contributor
If everything seems to be fine, we can safely remove this feature flag.
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 removed [deprecated] Accepting merge requests label
removed [deprecated] Accepting merge requests label
- Matija Čupić mentioned in merge request !27906 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !27906 (merged)
- Matija Čupić added workflowin review label and removed workflowready for development label
added workflowin review label and removed workflowready for development label
- James Lopez closed via merge request !27906 (merged)
closed via merge request !27906 (merged)
- James Lopez mentioned in commit bc1f926e
mentioned in commit bc1f926e
- Caroline Simpson mentioned in issue #460285 (closed)
mentioned in issue #460285 (closed)
- Caroline Simpson mentioned in issue #457606
mentioned in issue #457606