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Commit 9cc7eb63 authored by Dmitry Silin's avatar Dmitry Silin Committed by Stan Hu
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Updated status icons for project runners

Changelog: changed
parent 095b729f
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1 merge request!123235Updated status icons for project runners
......@@ -22,12 +22,13 @@ def runner_status_icon(runner, size: 16, icon_class: '')
icon = 'warning-solid'
when :offline
title = s_("Runners|Runner is offline; last contact was %{runner_contact} ago") % { runner_contact: time_ago_in_words(contacted_at) }
icon = 'status-failed'
span_class = 'gl-text-red-500'
icon = 'status-waiting'
span_class = 'gl-text-gray-500'
when :stale
# runner may have contacted (or not) and be stale: consider both cases.
title = contacted_at ? s_("Runners|Runner is stale; last contact was %{runner_contact} ago") % { runner_contact: time_ago_in_words(contacted_at) } : s_("Runners|Runner is stale; it has never contacted this instance")
icon = 'warning-solid'
icon = 'time-out'
span_class = 'gl-text-orange-500'
content_tag(:span, class: span_class, title: title, data: { toggle: 'tooltip', container: 'body', testid: 'runner_status_icon', qa_selector: "runner_status_#{status}_content" }) do
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