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  • Stan Hu's avatar
    Strip gRPC debug_error_string from Gitaly exceptions · 1384c4a0
    Stan Hu authored
    This reverts gitlab-org/gitlab!40938
    because it wasn't actually working when gRPC exceptions were wrapped in
    `Gitlab::Git::CommandError` via `wrapped_gitaly_errors`.
    A much simpler approach is to strip `debug_error_string` when a
    `Gitlab::Git::BaseError` is created. With this change, we have
    effectively the same exception strings as we did before the upgrade of
    Note that it appears Sentry retains a backtrace of the original gRPC
    exception that contains the `debug_error_string`, so if we really want
    to look at it the information is still there.
    This should solve gitlab-org/gitlab#238465.