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Add labkit monitoring for build metrics

Zeger-Jan van de Weg requested to merge zj-gitlab-build-info into master

Labkit monitoring exposes a metric I wanted to add, gitlab_build_info. This will set a gauge to the current version and build time, and as such we can measure how fast deploys are and when the last deploy happened.

The -version flag is not affected, the output of the log slightly changed:


~/src/ master
$ ./gitlab-workhorse
INFO[0000] Starting                                      version="gitlab-workhorse v8.15.0-4-g6240978-20191119.135549"

~/src/ master 34s
$ ./gitlab-workhorse -version
gitlab-workhorse v8.15.0-4-g6240978-20191119.135549


~/src/ zj-gitlab-build-info
$ ./gitlab-workhorse
INFO[0000] Starting                                      build_time=20191119.140155 version=v8.15.0-5-ge6e9bcd

~/src/ zj-gitlab-build-info
$ ./gitlab-workhorse -version
gitlab-workhorse v8.15.0-5-ge6e9bcd-20191119.140155
Edited by Zeger-Jan van de Weg

Merge request reports