Add new endpoint to add support to proxy requests to build's services
As a part of we need a new endpoint in Workhorse that can proxy requests to the GitLab Runner. It also has to handle transparently websocket requets.
Follow-up issue for proxying regular HTTP requests: #216 (closed)
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- Francisco Javier López changed milestone to %11.9
changed milestone to %11.9
added Category:Web IDE Create [DEPRECATED] Deliverable workhorse labels
- Francisco Javier López changed weight to 3
changed weight to 3
- Author Contributor
/cc @DouweM
- Douwe Maan added backend label
added backend label
- Douwe Maan added to epic &167 (closed)
added to epic &167 (closed)
- Contributor
What does "proxy requests bidirectionaly" mean?
I tried finding it in where I see two options:
- client (web IDE) makes HTTP requests to runner
- client establishes websocket connection to runner
Neither looks "bidirectional" to me. The whole thing sounds more like "web IDE can connect to a CI runner just like the web terminal can connect to a kubernetes container". Is that correct?
- Francisco Javier López changed the description
changed the description
- Author Contributor
@jacobvosmaer-gitlab you're right. In this context, the bidirectionality is tightly related to handle websockets connections as we do with the web ide terminal. I've updated the desc to remove this term and avoid ambiguity.
- Francisco Javier López added workflowin dev label
added workflowin dev label
- Francisco Javier López mentioned in merge request !370 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !370 (merged)
- Francisco Javier López added workflowin review label and removed workflowin dev label
added workflowin review label and removed workflowin dev label
- Francisco Javier López mentioned in issue #216 (closed)
mentioned in issue #216 (closed)
- Francisco Javier López marked this issue as related to #216 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #216 (closed)
- Francisco Javier López changed the description
changed the description
- Nick Thomas changed milestone to %11.11
changed milestone to %11.11
- Nick Thomas closed via commit 8b613a84
closed via commit 8b613a84
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 mentioned in issue gl-retrospectives/create-team#12 (closed)
mentioned in issue gl-retrospectives/create-team#12 (closed)
- Nick Thomas mentioned in commit 8b613a84
mentioned in commit 8b613a84
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added devopscreate label
added devopscreate label