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feat: Decorate MR files using cache


The file decoration provider for Merge Requests was added in !1355 (merged) and subsequently removed in !1387 (merged), because the changes in URLs caused other features to become unreliable.

This MR reintroduces the file decoration provider for Merge Requests, but with a different approach that doesn't require any alterations to the URLs. The mrCache is now searched for every file that is opened in the editor, which is also where the Tree View gets its information.

How has this been tested?

This can be tested with the various Merge Requests found in

Screenshots (if appropriate)

before after
Screenshot_2024-01-25_at_12.14.17 Screenshot_2024-01-25_at_12.12.32

Types of changes

  • Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
  • New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
  • Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)
  • Documentation
  • Chore (Related to CI or Packaging to platforms)
  • Test gap

Merge request reports