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Downgrade CI image to use Debian bullseye instead of bookworm

Stan Hu requested to merge sh-ci-image-bullseye into main

What does this MR do?

!4348 (merged) upgraded the CI base image and dropped the installation of dpkg-sig, but that package is needed to sign .deb packages.

For now, downgrade to Debian bullseye and restore dpkg-sig so packages can be signed.

Why was this MR needed?

Jobs that attempted to sign .deb packages would fail:

What's the best way to test this MR?

docker build \
           --build-arg DOCKER_VERSION="23.0.5" \
           --build-arg BUILDX_VERSION="0.10.4" \
           --build-arg PWSH_VERSION="7.3.8-1" \
           --build-arg GIT_LFS_VERSION="3.4.0" \
           --build-arg GIT_LFS_AMD64_CHECKSUM="60b7e9b9b4bca04405af58a2cd5dff3e68a5607c5bc39ee88a5256dd7a07f58c" \
           --build-arg KUBECTL_VERSION="1.23.0" \
           --build-arg AWS_CLI_VERSION="2.4.19" \
           --build-arg YQ_VERSION="4.30.5" \
           --build-arg GO_VERSION="1.20.10" . -f dockerfiles/ci/Dockerfile

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Edited by Stan Hu

Merge request reports