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Fix TestLogger.logger to handle different ActiveSupport versions

Mark Lapierre requested to merge ml-handle-different-broadcast-loggers into master

What does this MR do and why?

Allows gitlab-qa to be used with activesupport versions <> 7.1.

!1254 (merged) changed TestLogger to use the new ActiveSupport::BroadcastLogger (introduced in in Rails 7.1). That was done to fix a NoMethodError error made possible by c91ef8df. However, that fix lead to errors when gitlab-qa was used in a bundle with activesupport < 7.1 (e.g.

This change first checks for ActiveSupport::BroadcastLogger, and then ActiveSupport::Logger.broadcast, and raises an error if neither is available.

How to set up and validate locally

I did the following to test the two versions of activesupport we had problems with:

  1. Make sure the activesupport version < 7.1
    1. Set spec.add_runtime_dependency 'activesupport', '>= 6.1', '< 7.1' in gitlab-qa.gemspec
    2. Run bundle install
    3. Confirm it shows Using activesupport 7.0.8
  2. Run bundle exec exe/gitlab-qa Test::Instance::Any EE http://gdk.test and confirm it logs something. E.g.:
bundle exec exe/gitlab-qa Test::Instance::Any EE http://gdk.test 

[Jan 18 2024 11:02:57 AEDT (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker pull -q gitlab/gitlab-ee-qa:nightly`
  1. Upgrade the activesupport version >= 7.1
    1. Set spec.add_runtime_dependency 'activesupport', '>= 6.1', '< 7.2' in gitlab-qa.gemspec
    2. Run bundle update activesupport
    3. Confirm it shows Using activesupport 7.1.3 (was 7.0.8)
  2. Run bundle exec exe/gitlab-qa Test::Instance::Any EE http://gdk.test and confirm it logs something again

Pipeline test results

Test staging pipeline:
Test gitlab-org/gitlab pipeline (using activesupport 7.0.8):

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Mark Lapierre

Merge request reports